Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Because I’ve had so much fun with www.FunnyPhotosContest.com
for cute or funny photos and photo captions, I decided, last summer, to start another website contest. And so I created www.TheYouTubeContest.com. Contestants can enter their favorite YouTube.com videos and then viewers vote for the best.

The contest is fun and contestants have submitted some very funny and entertaining videos. But I quickly realized I did not have enough time to run two contests. Thus, I had to “temporarily suspend” the YouTubeContest website and hope someone might want to buy it. If only it were 1998 instead of 2008. In the 90’s when the dot com websites were a hot item, people were selling websites for huge profits. But now things have changed and I have no idea if my site will sell or how much I will receive.

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