Friday, April 27, 2012


The other day I bought a new vacuum cleaner and the salesman told me he would give me a $100 discount on the price for bringing in my old vacuum.  Of course I was very pleased and today I drove back to the store with my old vacuum in the trunk.  But when I walked in, he looked puzzled when I handed him my credit card in order to receive the discount.

It almost seemed as if he didn’t remember selling me a vacuum.  And so I said, “Here, I have the receipt in my purse.”  He took the receipt and carefully looked it over.  “Oh yes,” he replied, “I applied the discount to your bill at the time you purchased it.”  And sure enough he showed me the lower price that I paid. 

I never looked at my receipt and didn’t know it had included the discount.  But what really surprised me and I even said to the salesman,  “You are certainly a very trusting person and that was very nice of you since you had no way of knowing whether I would, in fact, bring you my old vacuum.”  He just smiled and replied, “Oh, I knew you would.” 

“Hmmmm,” I thought and I guessed it probably hadn’t really mattered if I did or didn’t !!!!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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