Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Two years ago when my oldest grandson, Jacob, turned 14 he began working at the local baseball park.  The manager assigned him to making funnel cakes and as he did a good job, they hired him to come back the following summer too.  Well this year, his brother Jared, my other grandson, turned 14 and two weeks ago, he went to the ballpark for a job interview with hopes of also working there with Jacob.

Several days past and Jared heard nothing from the employer, though he learned that a couple girls in his class, who also interviewed at the ballpark, did get hired.   I didn’t say anything, but I felt so bad for Jared that he too did not receive a job offer.  He’s a bit overweight and I wondered if perhaps that might have played a part in the employer’s decision.

But last night the phone rang and to my delight Jared called me and said, “Guess what?  I got an email offering me a job at the ballpark.”  When my children were young, whenever they were happy, it made me happy too.  And now that I have grandchildren, I feel the same happiness, whenever they are happy. It was a great day.

By Hannah
www.FunnyPhotosContest.com a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

awww, this was really beautiful! you must be an amazing mother and grandmother!

<3, Mimi