Saturday, June 20, 2009


This morning, I called the local senior center, but rather than leave a message, I asked if I could just call back again later. And so after 30 minutes I called again. However, when I dialed the number again, 833-2373, instead of reaching the senior center I was connected to the Walgreens drugstore. I thought I might have just misdialed and tried the number again, but once again the person answering the phone said, “Walgreens, how can I help you?”

Well that’s weird I thought and decided maybe there was something wrong with my phone. And so, I switched to my portable phone and dialed the number for the third time. Again, I reached Walgreens. At this point, I called the telephone company. “I’ve dialed the senior center every week for the last few years and can’t understand why all of a sudden I’m now reaching the drugstore. Something must be wrong”

The operator was very patient and checked into the problem. “I’m sorry,” she said, “but the number you dialed, 833-2373 does belong to Walgreens.” “Amazing,” I said, “I can’t understand it.” She then checked the telephone listings and courteously told me, the telephone number of the senior center is 831-2373.” I felt so foolish and apologized profusely for wasting her time.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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