Saturday, September 25, 2010


If today were New Year’s Eve and I had to make a resolution, I would resolve to stay silent when my bridge partners criticize my bridge playing. Actually, I welcome the insightful comments some of my partners make, as I am far from an expert and I appreciate their valuable advice to help me improve my skills.

But then there are a couple women I play with who seem to delight in finding fault with my mistakes. They not only tell me what I did wrong in a scornful and scolding manner, but they repeat it over and over again, saying such things as you should NEVER do this or that. The irony is that they are only mediocre players themselves.

I shouldn’t let it irritate me, but it does. In fact, perhaps they do it because they want to make themselves feel better and I should simply pity them. The smart thing for me to do would be to smile when they say something and say nothing in return. It would make me a more gracious person. Plus, there’s no question that “silence is golden and less is more.”

At any rate, I have a chance to put my “Mid-Year” resolution in practice this evening. Here’s hoping I can REMEMBER to keep my mouth shut!!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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