Thursday, November 17, 2011


My phone rang early this morning and the woman on the other end called to cancel our appointment for tomorrow. On Friday afternoons, as a volunteer at the local senior center, I tutor, for free, anyone who needs help using their computers. She apologized profusely and proceeded to explain why she could not make it. Three weeks ago her 14 year-old granddaughter came to live with her and her husband. The girl’s parents had died and now the girl would be living with her 80 year old grandparents.

After explaining these circumstances to me she said, that on Friday afternoon, the Waunakee High School football team was playing in the championship game and she needed to drive the young girl and her friend to the game. “What an interesting coincidence,” I said, “my grandson is one of the boys on the football team.” As my grandson is 16 and a sophomore, I asked if her granddaughter was a freshman. “No,” she answered, “she’s in eighth grade.”

And so we rescheduled the appointment and said goodbye. But later in the day it occurred to me that not only would her granddaughter be watching my grandson playing football, but the young girl no doubt also knew my younger grandson who is in eighth grade and most likely in some of her classes. Sure enough, I called my youngest grandson and he confirmed that he does know her. What a small world !!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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