Saturday, March 31, 2012
I hadn’t yet decided what to make for dinner and so I was pleased to accept their pleasant alternative to cooking. And as an added bonus, I couldn’t eat everything so I took part of my dinner home and had enough for today’s lunch.
By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions and
Friday, March 30, 2012
And so, I created a website petition and hope to receive thousands – maybe millions – of signatures to convince Washington D.C. that enough is enough and we should get out of Afghanistan NOW. Unfortunately, although I have sent emails to almost 1,000 people so far, only a handful of visitors to the site, have signed the petition. I’m disappointed and don’t understand why. I have assured the viewers that on request, I would not post their last name, only the first three letters of their last name to protect their idenity.
But I’m certainly not going to give up. I just have to think of more ideas to achieve results. a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Every spring Jews celebrate Pesach (Passover) to commemorate Moses’s success in leading the Jewish slaves out of Egypt. And on Pesach the festive meal that Jewish women serve in honor of the holiday, includes many foods symbolic of the years of slavery and the miraculous flight to freedom.
The food is delicious and the holiday very special. But there is just so much cooking to do. For my meal I start the meal with deviled eggs and charoses a mixture of chopped apples, nuts, cinnamon and wine, followed by matzoh ball soup and gefilte fish, then brisket, baked potatoes, toss salad for the main meal, and sponge cake, with strawberries and cool whip, and tea for dessert. Whew!!! I get tired just thinking of it. Thank goodness Pesach only comes once a year.
By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
I was stunned today to learn that, Roz, an 88-year old friend of my Mom passed away. Although, I didn’t know her well, my parents had been friendly with Roz and her husband when they were all still alive.
Whenever someone dies, it is always very sad. But now that I’m a senior citizen I am faced with death more often. During the last year, it seems that every month, someone I knew died. Most were simply acquaintances, but each time, I felt very sad.