Sunday, July 22, 2012


In the mid 70’s I held a broker’s license and sold real estate for a few years. Although, I went on to other careers, I maintained my license all these years by taking continuing education classes and paying my real estate fee.  Although I haven’t listed or sold a house since 1977, I have since earned money with my license by collecting referral fees.

I simply call owners who attempt to sell their own homes and suggest to them that if they decide to eventually list their property, I can recommend an excellent realtor to them.  If they accept my offer and then list with the agent that I suggest, the real estate agent pays me 20% of the commission for my referral when the house is sold. 

Not a bad deal. But recently, I was very disappointed.  In January I spoke to an owner who said, she would appreciate my referral.    The agent I then recommended met with her and learned that she wanted to continue trying on her own for another month or two, but would eventually list if she was not successful.

Great, I thought and I mentally calculated my earnings.  However, I didn’t hear any more and so yesterday I decided to check the Internet to find out the status of the house.  Lo and behold, I saw that the owner did, in fact, list with the company I recommended.  I then called to ask for the details and discovered much to my dismay that, yes, the owner had listed her home.  But she had listed with a different agent – not the one I had recommended.  I have no idea how that happened, but the bottom line is I will not receive the money I had anticipated !!!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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