Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Recently, I had to buy a bottle of Kahlua for a delicious chocolate dessert that I volunteered to bring to a potluck dinner.  However, when I arrived at the grocery store I was almost prevented from purchasing it.  It was late when I walked into the grocery store and late when I approached the service desk to ask for help.  It takes me forever to find what I need in their liquor department as the liquor does not seem to be arranged in any reasonable order. So I asked if one of their staff would please fetch the Kahlua for me.

To my surprise she said, “We have to hurry. It’s ten to nine and we close the liquor department at 9:00.”  In addition, I had to pay for the Kahlua before 9:00 and I could not carry it in my grocery cart.  They had to keep it at the front desk until I was ready to leave the store.   There are certainly a lot of strange laws in our country and this one was sure new to me !!!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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