About 40 years ago I sold real estate for a short time. But when I quit, I continued to keep my license in hopes that I could on occasion make money with it. In fact from 1996 until the “no-call list” went into effect, I called owners who were selling their homes, to recommend good realtors I knew, in order to earn a referral fee. It was a lucrative little endeavor as I made a few thousand dollars a year for just making some phone calls.
This winter I decided to try again. And so in January I began calling homes that were advertised as “For sale by owner”. However, lately since I am having no success I have been feeling very discouraged. And so, I am trying to come up with a new idea to change my luck, as I certainly won’t quit.
But hooray!!! Today I received a great surprise -- an email from Nadya a realtor I am working with. She just listed a condo I referred to her for $185,000. That means I could earn about $500. Not bad for sitting at my dining room table making some phone calls. Here’s hoping in this poor real estate market, the condo sells, as I won’t receive a check until it does.
By Hannah www.FunnyPhotosContest.com a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.