Thursday, March 17, 2011


Every year, the health club I belong to hosts a wonderful St. Patrick’s Day party at a great restaurant. The food -- corned beef, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, rolls, brownies and chocolate chip cookies -- is delicious and better yet, free to all the members. I have attended each year and have always enjoyed myself. Although, the first year I joined the club, I hadn’t planned on going as I assumed that most of the attendees would be young singles.

However, my Mom always loved corned beef and cabbage and so I decided to take her. Surprisingly enough when we sat down, my Mom at 85 was not even the oldest person at our table. There were several in their 90’s!! This year I attended with another member of the health club whom I met in the swimming pool when I first joined. We arrived at the party at 2:00 and after eating we continued chatting away. I checked my watch a couple times and about 4:00 I said it was probably time to get going.

But what a surprise I had when I got home. It was 6:00. How could it have gotten so late? I only live 3 blocks from the restaurant. But, I discovered it happened very easily. The last time I wore the watch that I put on today was ten days ago, before day-light savings time took effect. So all afternoon, I was looking at a watch that was an hour behind.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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