Monday, May 31, 2010


I keep my television set in my upstairs den. And since I rarely spend time in my den, I don’t watch T.V. In fact the last time I turned my set on was over a year ago in February 2009 when new technology forced me to buy a converter box to switch my old set to a digital system. But since I will have two high school friends staying with me in June and since we might want to watch a video, I decided last week that I better check it out.

I turned the set on and all I saw was “snow”. So I tried clicking the channel button again and again to find a channel that would display a picture and sound. In contrast to last year when I could view 6-7 channels, only one worked. I had no idea what the problem was and thought to myself, “Darn this modern technology. I’m too old to understand it.” At least I could call my daughter and she could tell me what to do. She patiently said, “Mom, now that you have a converter box, you must use its remote control rather than the buttons on the set and sure enough she was right.” Thank goodness for children.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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