Thursday, May 27, 2010


A high school friend will be staying with me in June when we will be attending our class reunion. And so yesterday, I decided to get out my paintbrush and my old can of paint to paint some spots on my wall that need a little touching up. I had my house painted a number of years ago and luckily kept the left over white paint for just such occasions.

Unfortunately, without knowing it, I did not close the paint can tightly enough the last time I used it. Thus, when I pried open the lid, to my surprise and terrible disappointment I found that the paint had turned to stone. But all’s well that end’s well. Recently, I had a new front door installed on my condominium and my handyman had purchased a new can of white paint to paint the door. So, even though it’s not as perfect, it will have to do. In addition, I don’t have to worry about throwing away the old paint in an environmentally correct way. Since the paint is so hard, it is no longer toxic and I can just toss in with all my other garbage.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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