Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Last week I heard a newscaster broadcast a story about a black bear wandering in Waunakee, a small town in Wisconsin near DeForest. As my grandsons live in Waunakee I quickly called them to ask if they had seen the bear. But much to their disappointment, they had not.

Meantime, this morning, the newscaster told a cute joke about the bear. “Do you know why the Black Bear came to Waunakee? He was sick of DeForest !!!” Kind of corny, but nevertheless, I was anxious to tell the joke to my grandsons, as I thought they would really like it. So when they got home from school, I called them, But Grandmas must be the last to know, because they had already heard the joke.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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