Thursday, June 17, 2010


I sure wish I didn’t waste so much time on my computer. On the other hand, I find this little machine is incredibly fascinating and as I work on it, hours can pass by without my even noticing it. At the same time, it often “DRIVES ME CRAZY”!!!!

Yesterday after my daughter’s cat walked across my keyboard, the “PgUp” and “PgDn” keys stopped functioning properly. At first I though the cat might have jiggled a key in such a manner that it went out of alignment. I thought about pulling off the caps and putting them back on, but I might cause some major damage. Then it occurred to me that maybe it wasn’t the cat’s fault and perhaps my computer caught a virus. Oh no, I thought, do I have to reformat my hard drive again. And what a hassle that would create. But as a first line of defense I simply ran the Malwarebytes antivirus program and luckily learned there were no viruses on my machine.

However, I still had no answer for solving the problem. And so I decided to turn to Google. But that also can be frustrating. I don’t know for sure, but perhaps I spent an hour typing in a wide variety of keywords in an effort to identify the exact problem. You can imagine my relief and sheer delight when I FINALLY discovered the problem. On some forum another user wrote, “Try tapping the F7 key, which enables and disables the caret browsing function. Heaven knows what caret browsing is, but I tried it and voilla – my problem was solved. As they say, “The thrill of winning and the agony of defeat.”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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