Friday, June 18, 2010


Whenever we have to pay a condominium bill, we need two signatures on the check. And so, today our treasurer, Laurie, stopped by for me to sign the check for our condo insurance. As she handed me the check she told me how thrilled she was at the reduced rate we received. Or I should say the reduced rate she managed to negotiate with the insurance company. When the bill came our rate had increased by $100. But Laurie said, “There is a guy at work named Benny who said you should always try to get a better price for almost everything you buy and especially for insurance.”

So she took his advice and contacted our insurance carrier. They not only removed the hundred dollars, but decreased it by another twenty dollars. “Laurie,” I said, “Great job. Can I hire you to be my financial advisor?”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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