Saturday, October 16, 2010


There’s a lot I enjoy about growing older. I like my retirement and the ability to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I like sleeping as late as I want to and staying up late to play games on my computer. But yesterday when the restore disks for my new computer arrived, I couldn’t believe how frustrated I became at completing the simple task of removing the disks from it’s packaging.

I cut open the packing envelope and took out the disks. Inside the envelope, they were stored in a rectangular plastic case similar to the VCR cases I use to pick up at the video store. Yet when I tried to pry it open, I couldn’t get it to budge. No matter what I did or what I used – screw driver, scissors, etc. – the disks remained secure in the box, while I became angrier and angrier. I knew my grandchildren would have no trouble opening the box, while I didn’t have a clue as to where I should even begin. Yet, I was sure if I were younger I could figure it out as easily as any young person.

And so I went to bed with the disks still in their case. I will have to wait until I see one of my grandchildren and have them show me how to open the “stupid” case. But, nevertheless, I am left with the question, “What is it about getting older that makes it impossible to deal with simple things that kids can take in their stride?”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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