Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I have been president of my condo association for the past eight years. However, uncooperative neighbors with petty problems during this past years have made my job very frustrating. Thus, I have mentioned to a couple owners that I plan to resign.
But upon arriving home this evening you can imagine my complete surprise when I found a beautiful orchid plant on my front porch. One of the owners in my condo association left it for me with a beautiful note. "Thank you Hannah. Erika and I wanted to express a special thank you for your long diligent, diplomatic, devotion to our Associations leadeship affairs. Please reconsider your "stepping down decision. Sincerely, Erika and Ingolf."
Wow...what a nice compliment. And so now I have to think twice. I've enjoyed being President and as I'm retired it has not been difficult. And so maybe, if no one else volunteers, I might consider continuing.

By Hannah, FunnyPhotosContest.com

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