Tuesday, December 7, 2010


This morning, I wanted to call Viactiv, the company that manufactures the chewable calcium tablets I take daily. I checked the label to find a telephone number and found their 800 number. I was glad that I could easily call them, however, the number was 888-VIACTIV. I much prefer numbers to words / letters as I can easily push the buttons on my phone with nothing more than a quick glance.

And so as I dialed the number I had to look very carefully at each button on the phone to find the letters V, I, etc. However, I had trouble finding the “T”, because the letters T-U-V on the 8 button were worn away and hard to read. How weird I thought and wondered why that button had faded. And then it dawned on me. My daughter’s telephone number is 850-5508. I dial her number often, pressing the 8-key twice, to talk to her and my two grandsons. Thus, the constant tapping on that key has wiped away the letters. Too bad, I hadn’t programmed her telephone number on my phone. But then again, I don’t know how.

By Hannah www.FunnyPhotosContest.com a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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