Wednesday, December 8, 2010


My health insurance company pays me $100 every six months, if I workout at my health club 10 times a month or a total of 60 times in six months. Since I pay $600 a year to belong to the club, I make very sure I exercise enough to collect $200 a year. Well, today I called my insurance company to ask when I would receive my latest check. “I’m sorry,” the representative replied, “You only worked out 59 times during the last six months.” “What,” I exclaimed! I was shocked. I keep track on my calendar of every time I workout at the health club and my records showed 60 times. She looked through her records and found only 9 visits for me in June.

So I contacted my health club and explained my predicament. I read each date I had been at the health club in June to the accountant I spoke with. And luckily he was very cooperative and said they would send the “missed” date to my insurance company so that I could in fact receive my $100 check. Thank goodness.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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