Thursday, December 31, 2009


Until my Mom moved to Las Vegas two years ago, she and I played duplicate bridge for almost 40 years. We enjoyed the game and played once or twice a week. Of course we loved to win, but since we didn’t take the game seriously we didn’t care if we came in last. We had fun anyway, knowing we might always do better next time.

Now that I play with new partners I don’t enjoy the game as much. Several of the players hate to lose and thus criticize my playing to place the blame on me. Yesterday, during our game and on our drive home my partner kept “hashing” over my mistakes. Of course, it was unpleasant, but it also irritated me because she too made mistakes, though hers were never discussed. On top of that she told me several times to stop interrupting her, even though she continually interrupted me.

I can easily put an end to this unpleasantness, by simply giving up bridge. But since it’s a fascinating game and I do want to continue playing, I’ll have no right to complain.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Today is Dec. 30th, a day that has always been very special for me. But this year I am very sad. My Mom and Dad were married on Dec. 30, 1937 and every year, I always sent them a very special and very sentimental anniversary card. My Dad always said, “You don’t need to buy me a present. All I want is a nice card as it is the thought more than the present that counts.” And so I carefully searched for a card that would touch his heart. And though I knew he would like it, I also knew it would bring tears to his eyes, because my Dad was a very sentimental guy.

But my Dad died in 1996, and for the past 13 years my Mom has been very sad when her anniversary arrived. My sister and I just let the day pass and I wonder now if we shouldn’t have asked Mom, if there was anything special she might like on that day. However, now it is my turn to be sad as my Mom died last February. When I looked at the calendar this morning, my first thought turned to my Mom and Dad and their anniversary. And as I sit and type these words, I glance wistfully at a photo of my parents. I loved them dearly and though my thoughts are sad they mingle with wonderful memories of my wonderful parents.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I must admit, as a result of my lazy nature, I never get around to sending Christmas cards. And though this might seem thoughtless and rude, I resort to something that I consider just as good or maybe even better. I call each person who sends me a card. Of course, if I had hundreds of people sending me cards, I couldn’t possibly call all of them. But luckily, I can easily manage the dozen or so phone calls I make and truly enjoy each one. A few of the calls are to friends who live far away and our conversation provides the one time each year we connect and catch up on our busy lives.

I guess my friends are OK with my negligence and I’m glad they never criticize me for it. In fact one even printed her phone number on her card and wrote, “I know you’ll call me!” And meantime, only one of my friends remembers to send me a Chanukah card.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Technology in the 21st Century is phenomenal. When I was pregnant, I had to wait 9 months until the birth of my children to learn their sex. But now-a-days, not only do new parents learn their child’s sex early in the pregnancy with an ultra-sound test, they also receive a sneak-preview of their baby with photos taken en-utero near the end of the pregnancy. My son, Rick, and daughter-in-law, Jen, sent me these photos and it over-whelmed me to see my unborn granddaughter’s little face with her eyes open and her tongue sticking out of her mouth.

But the best part came after the baby was born. Rick and Jen live 150 miles from me and so I would not see my granddaughter for another couple of weeks. But Jen took her Iphone to the hospital and within three hours of Lily’s birth, Jen sent me a few photos that she took of the newborn baby with her phone. Furthermore, when they brought Lily home, the greatest invention of all time, the webcam, let me view live-video of my new granddaughter when we both had our computers turned on at the same time. All I can say is UNBELIEVABLE!!

I’m so glad to live in the 21st century and only wish I new what the centuries ahead will bring.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Ask anyone what their favorite day is in December and they will most likely tell you Christmas, Dec. 25th. But not me. My favorite day is Dec. 21st the winter solstice. Why you might ask do I like the shortest day of the year? And I will quickly reply that, thank goodness, following Dec. 21st, the days start growing longer. Granted the daylight only increases about one minute per day, but in fifteen days that amounts to fifteen more minutes of sunshine!!! And by Jan 21st, we will have a whole half hour of extra sunshine. I can feel it already. By now you can probably imagine the day I dread the most each year. Yup, it’s Jun. 21st, the summer solstice and longest day of the year. On Jun 21st, the days start growing shorter.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.