Saturday, December 18, 2010


She has never sent me a Christmas card and so it should have surprised me to find one in my mailbox this year. However, my neighbor Eileen must have felt guilty and knew that she owned me an apology. Last week when we had six inches of snow, she called me to complain that the Bruce Company had done a terrible job of plowing her driveway and she insisted that they come back and plow her driveway again.

As President of our condominium association I expect calls like this and earlier that same day I received a request to contact the plowers to return and salt our slippery roadway which I immediately did. But Eileen’s call puzzled me as the roadway and driveways all looked plowed to me when I looked out my window. However, as I couldn’t see Eileen’s drive directly I called another neighbor who lives next to Eileen and learned that the drive had in fact been plowed but the wind had created some drifts.

Thus, I called the plowing company and then called Eileen back as I had promised to do. But when her husband, Takis, answered he started shouting at me that the company had done a terrible job and he was not going to pay his share. At the same time, I heard Eileen voice in the background saying, “Takis, I just took a look at it and it’s not that bad. I can take care of it as there really isn’t that much.” Obviously, when she called me earlier, she herself had not looked at the driveway and simply accepted her husbands rant about their supposedly snow-packed driveway.

Well, I was perturbed and politely said so before ending the call. Obviously, she got the message, because the next day she sent an email explaining the “confusion”, as she called it, and a few days later sent the Christmas card I received.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, December 17, 2010


You would think that after 41 years as a divorcee, I would have forgotten the date of my wedding anniversary. But no, every Dec 17th, when I see the date on my calendar it reminds me that my ex-husband and I said our wedding vows on this day. We were college students and married during the Christmas vacation before we both graduated in January, 1962.

Our marriage lasted only seven years, before he met another woman whom he wanted to marry. I had always thought my marriage would last forever and so when we separated and divorced it disappointed me that I would never celebrate a 25th or 50th wedding anniversary. I also never expected that I would in fact have a 25th anniversary of being divorced and in only a few more years, a 50th anniversary of being divorced. Although I never remarried, as I assumed I would, I’m actually glad. I have enjoyed the last four decades and have no regrets.

And so today, Dec. 17th, I once again remembered my wedding anniversary. Although, I think I can say without doubt that my ex-husband hasn’t the slightest memory that we were married 41 years ago on this date.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


When I began operating my website, I had expectations of receiving lots of interesting photos, working on the site a few hours a week and making lots of money. But I was wrong. Although I do receive great photos, I work on the site many more hours than I had anticipated and instead of making money I have lost money. Nevertheless, the site has brought me many hours of pleasure and some very fascinating experiences.

Although the Internet connects the entire world, it didn’t occur to me that my site would reach contestants in foreign countries. But indeed people have sent me photos from S. Africa, Japan, England, the Philippines, Russia, Ireland, etc. And yesterday when I opened my email, someone from Italy wrote to ask if he/she could enter the contest. What a delight. Here I am a little, old grandma sitting in my dining room, operating a website from my laptop computer, and people from as far away as Italy have found my site and want to participate in my contest. What will they think of next?

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


When I awoke on Monday morning, I knew I would have to throw salt on my front sidewalk. A huge blizzard on Sunday dropped six inches of snow on the ground. Thus, I needed to make sure my guests on Monday afternoon wouldn’t fall on a slippery sidewalk. However, I have trouble with my balance and so I did not look forward to the task at hand.

Nevertheless, I grabbed the salt from my closet and bundled up in my warm jacket. I opened my front door and stepped gingerly onto the sidewalk. I took baby steps and moved forward slowly fearing each step I took. At the same time I kept wishing that someone might come along and offer to help. But there was no one in sight. Still… you know what they say, “Be careful what you wish for.”

Within a couple of minutes a truck pulled up to my curb and a nice looking, young man hopped out and asked if he could help me. I couldn’t believe my eyes and a huge smile spread over my face. I said to him, “Thank you sooooo much. And when you are finished, please knock on my door. I have some homemade chocolate cookies for you.” I greatly appreciated this young man’s kindness and I hope he enjoyed my treat.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I look forward to Chanuka every year – giving gifts to the grandchildren, having dinner with the family, and eating lots and lots of latkes. But I don’t look forward to making the potato pancakes! Each year I try, in vain, to make perfect pancakes or at least better ones than the year before. But it’s a struggle.

My Mother, G-d rest her soul, made great latkes. However, she cooked them while we ate dinner, jumping up from the table every few minutes to turn over the potato pancakes or to bring us a fresh, hot batch. I, on the other hand, wanted to sit with my family during dinner. This meant I had to fry my latkes before my guests arrived. Unfortunately, well you know how the saying goes, “The best-laid plans of mice and men……”

The first time, I made potato pancakes, I decided to fry them early in the afternoon, place them on paper towels to absorb the oil, and then put them in the oven at a low temperature to keep them warm until dinner. It seemed like a good idea, but when I pulled them out of the oven I looked with dismay at my pitiful latkes. They had turned black! The following year, after I finished frying the latkes, I put them in the refrigerator instead. I was delighted that upon reheating them, they didn’t turn black. But, I hadn’t turned the oven temperature high enough and we ate luke-warm potato pancakes.

Another year I decided to simply buy my latkes from the Pancake House. It certainly was a lot less work, the house didn’t reek of oil, and they tasted good. But, still, they weren’t as tasty as my Mother’s recipe. And then a friend told me that when she lived in Chicago, she bought potato pancakes at a Polish market. The pancakes were packed on their sides, in an upright position, in a bread pan. And the instructions were to reheat them at 425 degrees for 10 minutes. Great I thought I could do that and lo and behold I finally made a decent batch of latkes for my family. Though, bless their hearts they always said, “Oh Mom, they’re fine.”

Thus, this year I was prepared to enjoy a “stress-free” Chanukah. I even bought Yukon Gold potatoes so that I didn’t have to peel them. But when I took the oil out of my cupboard, I was irritated to discover that I only had a small amount of oil left in the jar. I quickly drove to the nearby PDQ to buy more and began again as soon as I returned home. I grated the potatoes, squeezed out all the excess water (the trick for really good latkes), heated the pan, and started frying the latkes.

When I finally finished making the potato pancakes, washing the dishes, and cleaning the kitchen, I breathed a sigh of a relief. But as I replaced the cover on my bottle of oil, a huge smile broke over my face. A small amount of oil remained in the bottom. I had thought I wouldn’t have enough oil, but what a coincidence…..I did.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, December 10, 2010


I don’t see many movies these days, though I do enjoy them and use to go to the movies often. But today a friend and I had lunch together and saw the film, “The Town.” The movie about bank robbers and starring Ben Affleck was very good and when I told my daughter about it, she said she also saw it and enjoyed it too.

Earlier this week when I made plans to go to the movies, my friend and I couldn’t decide whether to see “The Town” or “Wall Street.” But when we got to the theater, we discovered “Wall Street” was no longer playing. So much for our dilemma. The choice was made for us and luckily it was a good one.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


My health insurance company pays me $100 every six months, if I workout at my health club 10 times a month or a total of 60 times in six months. Since I pay $600 a year to belong to the club, I make very sure I exercise enough to collect $200 a year. Well, today I called my insurance company to ask when I would receive my latest check. “I’m sorry,” the representative replied, “You only worked out 59 times during the last six months.” “What,” I exclaimed! I was shocked. I keep track on my calendar of every time I workout at the health club and my records showed 60 times. She looked through her records and found only 9 visits for me in June.

So I contacted my health club and explained my predicament. I read each date I had been at the health club in June to the accountant I spoke with. And luckily he was very cooperative and said they would send the “missed” date to my insurance company so that I could in fact receive my $100 check. Thank goodness.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


This morning, I wanted to call Viactiv, the company that manufactures the chewable calcium tablets I take daily. I checked the label to find a telephone number and found their 800 number. I was glad that I could easily call them, however, the number was 888-VIACTIV. I much prefer numbers to words / letters as I can easily push the buttons on my phone with nothing more than a quick glance.

And so as I dialed the number I had to look very carefully at each button on the phone to find the letters V, I, etc. However, I had trouble finding the “T”, because the letters T-U-V on the 8 button were worn away and hard to read. How weird I thought and wondered why that button had faded. And then it dawned on me. My daughter’s telephone number is 850-5508. I dial her number often, pressing the 8-key twice, to talk to her and my two grandsons. Thus, the constant tapping on that key has wiped away the letters. Too bad, I hadn’t programmed her telephone number on my phone. But then again, I don’t know how.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, December 6, 2010


When I call a company to ask a question about their product, I expect that they will answer my question. And so when I called Viactiv the company that manufactures the chewable vitamin calcium supplement I take everyday, I couldn’t believe that the person I spoke with had no reply. I asked if the tablet contained calcium citrate, carbonate, or phosphate. Since she didn’t know, she put me on hold to ask her supervisor. But she reported back to me that her supervisor didn’t know the answer either. In addition, she did not provide any alternative for finding the answer.

Well, that was just not acceptable. I needed to know what kind of calcium I was taking and certainly they had a responsibility to inform me. . Thus I said, “Someone must know, perhaps the manufacuter, and so please tell me who I can call for further information.” Finally, she took my name and telephone number and told me someone would get back to me. Luckily, she gave me a confirmation number and you can be sure, I will pursue this matter.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


Ever since I moved into my first apartment, I have always kept a grocery list in my top kitchen drawer. Whenever, an item in my kitchen became half empty, I added it to my grocery list so that I could buy a replacement immediately and thus, never run out. This has served me well over the years and I have rarely been left short of an ingredient that I needed.

However, today when I began to start cooking my Chanukah latkes (potato pancakes) to serve at dinner to my family, I discovered, I had very little oil left in the bottle on my shelf. Of course that meant I had to quickly run out to the store to buy more. Luckily the PDQ store is only a few blocks away and it only took about 15 minutes. As it turned out, the oil I had on hand was sufficient and I didn’t open the new bottle. Nevertheless, I had to buy the extra oil as I didn’t dare take a chance of running out in the middle of frying all those delicious latkes.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Today is Dec. 4th and we had our first snow of the season last night. The date of the first snow is always a surprise. Some years it occurs as early as October and others as late as January. Either way I don’t mind. Although many people hate winter, it doesn’t bother me.

Years ago, my Father-in-law shared his word s of wisdom, “Winter is only 2 months long.” He explained that the worst of winter – the most snow and the severest cold – lasts from Dec. 15th to Feb. 15th. And he was absolutely right. Although we occasionally experience pretty cold temperatures and some deep snow falls in March and sometimes April, after Feb 15th the storms and low temperatures are fewer and far between, the days grow longer, and spring is not far behind.

And so when winter arrives, I take it in stride. In fact, for me the worst starts Jan. 2nd rather than Dec. 15th, because the two weeks before New Year’s Eve are so busy with holiday festivities the time flies by quickly. And best of all Dec. 21st is my favorite day of the year … it’s the winter solstice and the days start getting longer.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, December 3, 2010


In the mid 70’s, I studied for the real estate exam, received my license, and sold real estate for 3 years. But even after I changed careers, I continued to pay the yearly license fee and attend the required education courses to maintain my licenses. At the same time, I remember a cousin, who gave up his license, asking why I wasted my time and money on a license I may never again use. Although I knew he was probably right, I kept it anyway because I had worked hard to get it and who knew if maybe someday I might just wish I had it.

Sure enough, I’m glad I kept it. In the late 90’s when I attended a mandatory class, the instructor, a real estate broker, told everyone in the class, that since we all had licenses, he could pay us a referral fee of 20% if we recommend people to him who had houses to sell. A short time later a high school friend who moved away, happened to call and ask me the name of a good realtor to sell her Mother’s home. Of course, I recommended the instructor / broker and when the house was sold, I received a check for $760. Not bad earnings for a single phone call!!!!

Now almost 40 years later, my license is paying off. I recently started calling local homeowners who have advertised their houses for sale on Craigslist. My intent is to convince them to list their home with a real estate agent I recommend so that I can collect the referral fee. Although, most people will say no, all it takes is one person and lo and behold, last night a nice guy was the first one to say, “YES.”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


When my cousin visited me last month, I happened to mention that I was having a pain in my side. He then mentioned that his wife also had the same problem and the doctor told her she had bursitis. Hmmmm, I thought maybe I too had bursitis. I decided to search google for exercises that would remove the pain. Sure enough, I found a good one that did indeed make the pain go away.

I continued the exercise for a week or two and when I felt better I stopped. However, when the pain came back yesterday, I had to resume the exercise. But I also decided that when I do my morning exercises, I better include on a daily basis the one for bursitis.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


On Monday I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. But while I was sitting on the toilet, a hair clip fell out of my hair and when I bent to pick it up, I lost my balance because I was half asleep. The next thing I knew I hit my side on the edge of the bathtub. What a bummer. But I simply got back in bed and fell back to sleep.

However, the next morning, my side really hurt. Oh dear I thought, I must have cracked a rib. Of course there is little to do about a broken rib, but wait a few weeks for it to heal. In the meantime, I wrapped an ace bandage around me and took some Ibuprofen to help ease the pain a bit. Of course, I had to change my plans for the day. I certainly could not swim at the health club!!!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Recently, I decided to once again re-start my real estate referral business. I call owners who are selling their own homes and offer them a free market analysis. My hope is that eventually, if they don’t sell on their own they will list their house with a real estate agent I recommend so that I can collect a referral fee of $500 to $2,000.

Last night I called a number of owners who had posted their homes on a local website. Several of the phone numbers had been disconnected and so I deleted the property from my Excel list of properties. Unfortunately, when I went to bed I realized that I made a terrible mistake. I had neglected to make a back-up copy of the original list. Thus, I will end up wasting my time calling those disconnected numbers again, since I could not check to see that I had already called them. Darn…darn…darn.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, November 29, 2010


When I woke up this morning, the newscaster on the radio talked several times about Cyber Monday, a day on which a huge number of people would do their Christmas shopping online. I smiled and thought to myself, that I could avoid Cyber Monday just as I had avoided Black Friday since I always give my family checks when we celebrate Chanukah. But lo and behold I found myself joining the throngs of others who turned on their computers today to do their shopping online.

I had planned on going to the grocery store today, but got too busy. And so I had no choice but to buy my groceries online as I have done on several other occasions in the past. But as I clicked away to purchase my groceries, I couldn’t help but smile. I never would have guessed this morning when I awoke that I would be a Cyber Monday shopper.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Recently a friend invited me to play bridge with her monthly bridge group. When I arrived one of the other woman said to me, “You look so familiar, I wonder if we know each other”. Of course we then tried remembering how we might have met before. However, we had no luck.

But later that evening she rushed over to me and asked if I had worked at the Univ. of Wisconsin in Madison 20 years ago in the Ed Science Building? “Why yes,” I replied. “That’s it,” she said. She also worked there at that time and thus remembered. What a memory she has, I thought. However, even with that knowledge I still didn’t recognize her as I had absolutely no memory of her. But to be polite, I agreed, “Why yes, of course.”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, November 27, 2010


On Thanksgiving, I served salmon to my three guests as they do not eat meat. Nevertheless, we all had a good time and enjoyed the evening. Yet after they left and I finished cleaning the kitchen, I must admit I felt a bit sad. My son and daughter spent the holiday with their in-laws, both my parents are deceased, and my sister and I are not close. And so my Thanksgiving celebration, as nice as it was, did not include either my family close-by or turkey on the dinner table.

I wish I knew why I felt sad this year, as it didn’t bother me last Thanksgiving when I also served fish to these same three friends. Perhaps the rift between my sister and me that intensified this summer weighs heavily upon my heart. I just don’t know. But, at least I can look forward to next week. Wednesday night is the first night of Chanukah and I always invite my children and their families to a holiday dinner of latkes (potato pancakes). And this Chanukah I have decided I will also serve TURKEY !!!!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


I just don’t get it. When I started my website in 2006, I frequently posted advertisements for my site on Craigslist and people responded to it. But lately, no one is clicking on my postings. And because I can’t call anyone at Craigslist to find out what’s the problem, I have to figure it out myself. And what a frustrating and difficult task that is.

So this morning, I put my mind to solving the problem. After a number of attempts I finally discovered that I had foolishly deleted the CRITICAL email Craigslist sent to me immediately after I posted an entry. The email informed me to open the link in the email and click on publish. Well what do you know? The solution was that simple. So I followed the instructions …. But when I went to look at the post I published, it was NOT there. So I’m back to square one !@#$%^&*()<….

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Last year was the first Thanksgiving that I was without any of my family. My Mom had died earlier in the year, my Dad had died in 1996, my sister had moved to Nevada and both my children would be out of town with their in-laws. But I have lots of good friends and invited a few to my house for Thanksgiving.

Nevertheless, I thought I would feel sad at my first thanksgiving without my Mom. But luckily, my friends are religious and can only eat meat that is Kosher. So, I cooked salmon instead. And though I missed eating turkey to my pleasant surprise serving fish was perfect. Without turkey, it really didn’t seem like thanksgiving. And so I was able to enjoy myself after all.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Yesterday my sister sent me an email from Las Vegas asking if I had Mom’s cranberry jello mold recipe. Although, I always loved that jello mold, I had never made a copy of it and when my Mom moved to Las Vegas a year before she died, many of her recipes got lost. But luckily I thought of calling my cousin. As sisters, my Mom and his Mom shared a lot of their recipes and I remember that when my Aunt died, my cousin threw away very few of her possessions and kept almost everything.

So when I asked my cousin’s wife if she would check my Aunt’s recipe for the cranberry jello mold, she said, “No problem. All the recipes were perfectly organized and easy to access.” Well, to my delight the next day JoAnne sent me the recipe and now my sister and I can enjoy eating the cranberry jello mold for Thanksgiving.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Recently a friend told me that I could remove the lime build-up in the bottom of my teapot by boiling a mixture of vinegar and water in the pot. And so I tried it, but had to repeat the process several times, since in all the years I owned my pot I had never cleaned away the lime. Even then a residue of lime remained in the teapot, but I could once again actually see the original bottom.

I plan to boil more vinegar and water to get rid of all the lime. In the meantime, I so enjoy my clean teapot that every time I pass my stove, I lift the cover and look inside.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Recently when I tried installing my HP printer software on my new Windows 7 computer, I received an error message that it was incompatible. So I called HP. The technician told me he could help me install the updated version, but would charge me $39. That made me angry, but what could I do. However, when I typed my credit card number on their form, something was wrong and my number was rejected. The technician asked me to try several more times. But the same problem kept reappearing. As I had recently used my credit card to buy something on Ebay, I knew the problem existed with HP.

Finally, I complained that the problem with HP was wasting my time and HP should compensate me. And guess what ….. The technician agreed to install my printer WITHOUT charging me.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Yesterday when I walked into the health club, I saw a man whom I recognized although I couldn’t think of his name and couldn’t remember how I knew him. And so I said to him, “I wonder if we know each other as you look familiar to me.” Then I told him my name and he told me his name, Reginald Bruskewitz. “Oh,” I replied, “Dr. Bruskewitz from the Urology Department at the University Hospital.” “Yes,” he answered.

That was it. About 25-30 years ago, I had an appointment with him. And so we continued to chat a bit longer. But all the time, I kept thinking to myself, “This man has seen me naked !!”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Whenever I’m out and about, someone always offers to help me. They see I have difficulty walking and ask if I would like some assistance and I almost always say yes, thank you and I greatly appreciate their kindness. Today when I alighted from my car a woman approached me. About a week ago she also helped me into the library and so we immediately recognized each other. But it is ironic that we would run into each other again so soon.

I normally stop at the library every Sat. afternoon after playing duplicate bridge at the bridge club and that is when I last saw her. But today I went to the library on a Thursday and for each of us to be at the library on this day and exactly at the same time is pretty amazing. This time we chatted a bit and exchanged our names as no doubt we will see each other again.

Although I wish I didn’t have trouble walking and wish I could walk normally and easily, just think of all the nice people I would never meet.
for cute or funny photos and photo captions

Monday, October 18, 2010


I must say I love working on my website. It hasn’t lived up to my expectation of making a lot of money, but actually that’s OK. I assumed that because so many other people have made huge amounts of money with their sites, I would too. However, I have not made a fortune. As a matter of fact, I have lost money. Nevertheless, I won’t complain because my site brings me so much pleasure and is a great pastime. Plus, it’s my hobby and I probably spend a lot less on my hobby than golfers or hunters spend on theirs.

Every day contestants send me funny / humorous photos or cute / adorable photos and very clever captions. And so I start my day with some good laughs when I read my email. What could be better? For example, today when I received a caption for a photo of a baby sitting in an infant seat and peering intently at a black cat, I laughed out loud at the caption that read, “Great, I’m a newborn and I’m already doomed for bad luck.”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


There’s a lot I enjoy about growing older. I like my retirement and the ability to do whatever I want, whenever I want. I like sleeping as late as I want to and staying up late to play games on my computer. But yesterday when the restore disks for my new computer arrived, I couldn’t believe how frustrated I became at completing the simple task of removing the disks from it’s packaging.

I cut open the packing envelope and took out the disks. Inside the envelope, they were stored in a rectangular plastic case similar to the VCR cases I use to pick up at the video store. Yet when I tried to pry it open, I couldn’t get it to budge. No matter what I did or what I used – screw driver, scissors, etc. – the disks remained secure in the box, while I became angrier and angrier. I knew my grandchildren would have no trouble opening the box, while I didn’t have a clue as to where I should even begin. Yet, I was sure if I were younger I could figure it out as easily as any young person.

And so I went to bed with the disks still in their case. I will have to wait until I see one of my grandchildren and have them show me how to open the “stupid” case. But, nevertheless, I am left with the question, “What is it about getting older that makes it impossible to deal with simple things that kids can take in their stride?”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


The other day a friend of mine, Lynn, treated another friend and me to lunch. We hadn’t seen each other for awhile and had a great time. But when we walked out and Lynn went to pay, she discovered the restaurant did not accept any credit cards. Unfortunately, Lynn didn’t have enough cash to pay the bill. She felt awful, but I quickly gave Lynn $20 and thought nothing of it.

Years ago, someone told me when you lend money to a friend or relative, consider it a gift as you may never get it back. But the very next day she called to ask if I would be home. I said yes and she stopped by and returned my $20.
for cute or funny photos and photo captions

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


When I received an email from Vanguard, my investment company, it surprised me to learn they had shut down parts of my account on their website because someone had tried several times to unsuccessfully guess my security question. The message also told me to setup new security questions to once again access all of my account.

I couldn’t image who might try to view my investments. Certainly it wasn’t one of my relatives as they could have easily answered the questions that ask, “What was your Mother’s maiden name?” or “What was the name of the first school you attended?” When I called Vanguard to ask what had transpired, they responded it probably was someone with a similar name who mistyped their own. That seemed plausible and so I proceeded to change my questions.

I picked three new questions and then made up a word to use for all three that, of course, no one could ever guess. But to my surprise a few days later I again received an email that someone had tried several times to unsuccessfully guess my security questions. Once again, I reset my security questions only to receive a third email with the same message. You can imagine the frustration and impatience I felt when I called Vanguard to complain. Luckily, they resolved the matter quickly and I can access my account. The only other thing that would make me happier is for the account to vastly increase to a very large sum of money.
for cute or funny photos and photo captions

Sunday, October 10, 2010


When my 25 year-old automatic popcorn popper broke I had to buy a new one. But I was terribly disappointed in the new one I bought. It had a rotating lever that constantly twirled the popcorn around. Unfortunately the lever created a spinning action that broke off lots of thin pieces of husk from the corn, making a messy bowl of popcorn. In addition, they changed the recipe and reduced the amount of oil so that the popcorn didn’t taste as good. And on top of all that the price had increased to $40. I was very unhappy.

However, after popping several more batches of popcorn and making some changes, I am pleased to finally have some good popcorn again. I removed the rotating lever and started using more oil…..and voila I’m a happy camper again, eating more popcorn than I should.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, October 9, 2010


Last Monday evening my neighbors Erika and Ingolf gave me a lovely orchid plant to thank me for the work I’ve done as President of our Condominium Association and to convince me to run for office again. Of course, I appreciated their gift and was very flattered by their support.

Since no one has ever before given me an orchid, I read the instructions carefully to make sure I took proper care of the plant. I do not have a “green thumb” as the saying goes and over the years I have killed more than my fair share of plants because I either over or under watered them. But I have high hopes that this beautiful orchid plant will last a long time. And the reason why is that the watering directions are very precise and easy to follow. But I must admit I was completely shocked when I read, “water with three ice cubes once a week.”

Well here’s hoping. Tomorrow I will place the three required ice cubes on my plant, for the first time. And then I’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Last week when once again I had some pain from sciatica, my doctor prescribed Flexoral, a muscle relaxant, for me. In the past when I took it along with Ibuprofen, my sciatica pain went away. However, this time my doctor prescribed a dosage of three times a day rather than the normal twice a day and unfortunately I had a strong reaction to the medication. Even three days after I stopped taking it I still felt week and dizzy and spacey.

I called my doctor and she found a different muscle relaxant that was less potent and ordered it for me. But when I stopped at the pharmacy to pick it up, I learned my insurance company didn’t cover it and it would cost me $75. “No thank you,” I said. I had used a hot pad earlier during the day that helped somewhat and I decided I would keep using the hot pad instead.

Today, to my surprise, the nurse called me and told me she had contacted my insurance company and discovered another drug, similar to the $75 drug, that the company covered for a much lower cost. And she asked if I would like it. “Great,” I said and I sincerely thanked her for going above and beyond the call of duty to help me.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I couldn’t believe it this morning when I flipped on the light switch in the bathroom and it remained dark. Since I had the light bulb changed just a few months ago, it surprised me that the bulb burned out so quickly. Perhaps, the light fixture contained a 75-watt bulb rather than one of the halogen bulbs that I started using several years ago. Those, of course, last a very long time.

Nevertheless, the bulb has to be changed and unfortunately because I’m elderly and have trouble with my balance, I can’t change it. Luckily, my next-door neighbor and her daughter are very kind and don’t mind helping me. Thus, when they arrive home from school and work this afternoon I’ll call them. And since I don’t want to take advantage of my neighbors, I have some cookies in the freezer that I’ll give them.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


I have been president of my condo association for the past eight years. However, uncooperative neighbors with petty problems during this past years have made my job very frustrating. Thus, I have mentioned to a couple owners that I plan to resign.
But upon arriving home this evening you can imagine my complete surprise when I found a beautiful orchid plant on my front porch. One of the owners in my condo association left it for me with a beautiful note. "Thank you Hannah. Erika and I wanted to express a special thank you for your long diligent, diplomatic, devotion to our Associations leadeship affairs. Please reconsider your "stepping down decision. Sincerely, Erika and Ingolf."
Wow...what a nice compliment. And so now I have to think twice. I've enjoyed being President and as I'm retired it has not been difficult. And so maybe, if no one else volunteers, I might consider continuing.

By Hannah,

Monday, October 4, 2010


When children are small, they need their mother’s help in many ways. As they grow, however, and become more independent, they turn to their mothers less and less. But the other day, my daughter with teenage children of her own called to ask for my help. It felt so good to once again be needed.

Her son had done something on her computer that made it freeze and thus she could not get the computer to do anything. Since I worked at the computing center at the Univ. of Wis-Madison before I retired, I can often solve computer problems, although not always. But this time I could. I told her to turn off the computer and then keep taping the F8 key when she turned it back on. This procedure would start her computer in safe mode so that she could set a restore point.

Before we hung up, I told her to call me back if it didn’t work. But she didn’t call and I felt so good that once again I could help my “little girl.”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


What a great production and I highly recommend ‘Wicked’ to anyone who likes Broadway shows. I took my daughter’s family to see it today and we all enjoyed it immensely. The tickets were expensive, but I decided it would be a wonderful way to celebrate my 70th birthday and so I treated the whole family. The costumes were great, the dialog was clever, the plot was amusing, and the actors/actresses had great voices.

What amazed me was that during the performance my daughter correctly anticipated a couple outcomes. When a small cage with a “fake” baby lion appeared on stage my daughter said, “I’ll bet that will be the lion who didn’t have any courage.” And she was right.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


I have been the President of my Condo Association for the past eight years and have enjoyed the experience. There are only 19 owners and there have been very few significant problems. However, since the beginning of this year I have encountered several frustrating problems. And unfortunately our By-Laws do not provide any means to enforce the laws and thus we must depend on the owners cooperation.

But last week the newest problem that surfaced became the straw that finally “broke my back.” One of the owners posted a couple political signs in her yard and another owner who does not share her political views complained to me that our By-Laws do not allow signs without prior permission from the Association. To my chagrin, when I contacted the woman about removing her signs, she became belligerent and refused to remove the signs. “Now what,” I thought, “how am I going to solve this problem?”

And so out of sheer exasperation, I decided I had had enough and sent an email to my Board members stating I would not take any further action on this latest issue, but instead would retire at our annual meeting in February. Since it is highly possible that no one else wants to be President, I called a management company to find out about their services and their cost to run our Association. Lo and be hold, during our conversation I mentioned the cause of my retirement and the woman I spoke to said, “Oh the state statues have been changed and condominium associations can not prevent people from erecting political signs and exercising their freedom of speech.” What a pleasant surprise. The problem was solved and there would be no hard feelings or objections. The only thing that could be better then the resolution of this matter is for the members to elect a new president.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, October 1, 2010


For the last several years I have occasionally ordered groceries from a local store that delivers the groceries to me. They charge a $12 delivery fee, but it’s a great service and so convenient when I don’t have time to go to the store.

I simply open their website, click on the groceries I need, and the next day they are delivered. But yesterday when I unpacked my groceries, I was shocked to find two bags of apples. I thought I had ordered only two apples, but I received 24. Oh well, mistakes happen and I simply gave one bag to one of my neighbors.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


When I listen to the news every morning on a local radio station, I always feel a little connected to one of the announcers. He was born and raised in Sheboygan, Wisconsin and when I lived there I knew some of his relatives. But now the “connection” has widened.

Recently, my son told me, that after working together for a year, he and Marc, a co-worker discovered they were both born in Sheboygan. Not only that but Marc’s Dad was my son’s pediatrician and Marc’s friend is the announcer I listen to every day. The reason they didn’t recognize each other was that we had moved away when my son was only two. What a small world.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Lately, my back has been bothering me a lot. Actually the pain is partly on my back and partly on my right side about an inch or two below my waste. I’ve tried some exercises and Tylenol, but neither seems to help. But yesterday it occurred to me that it might be a flare up of my sciatic. I could go see the doctor, but that is such a hassle, so I simply called and asked to have a prescription for a few days of a muscle relaxant.

Luckily she agreed and I began taking the medication last evening along with some Ibuprofen. It’s been less than 24 hours and I know better, but I’m frustrated that it still hurts. On the other hand, I have been sitting in one position working steadily away on my computer for the last few hours. So is it any wonder that the pain is probably my own fault for not getting up even to stretch every 30 minutes or so.

Oh well. I’ll turn off my computer as soon as I finish this task. Then I’ll go to the health club to walk around the track which should help. And hopefully, I’ll have more discipline tomorrow and try not sit so much.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today is September 28th and it’s my “house anniversary”. I can hardly believe that I’ve lived in my condominium for 31 years. I moved in when my children were 13 and 11 years old in 1979. Now they are grown and married and living in houses of their own.

Recently when my son visited, he asked, “Why don’t you move Mom? You don’t need all this space” Actually, although I have three bedrooms, my condo is only 1200 square feet, and really not that large. But my mortgage is paid off and I’m very comfortable. Plus the thought of cleaning out and packing up is more than I want to even think about.

So I will plan to stay in my house for the rest of my life and celebrate more “house anniversaries.” a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Many folks will tell you, “They don’t make things the way the use to.” And I would have to agree with them. After my 20-year-old reliable automatic pop-corn popper broke I bought a new one. And I’m sorry to say, the pop-corn I make in the new popper does not taste nearly as good as the pop-corn I made in the old one. To top it off, my new machine cost me $40 – at least $15 more than I paid for the old one.

I could probably resign myself to making the best of it, but recently a friend popped a bag of pretty good microwave popcorn. Up until now I have not liked microwave popcorn. But surprisingly I really liked the popcorn my friend made. And now I’m frustrated that I bought an expensive automatic popper that is unsatisfactory as I can just buy easy to make and inexpensive microwave pop-corn instead.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


If today were New Year’s Eve and I had to make a resolution, I would resolve to stay silent when my bridge partners criticize my bridge playing. Actually, I welcome the insightful comments some of my partners make, as I am far from an expert and I appreciate their valuable advice to help me improve my skills.

But then there are a couple women I play with who seem to delight in finding fault with my mistakes. They not only tell me what I did wrong in a scornful and scolding manner, but they repeat it over and over again, saying such things as you should NEVER do this or that. The irony is that they are only mediocre players themselves.

I shouldn’t let it irritate me, but it does. In fact, perhaps they do it because they want to make themselves feel better and I should simply pity them. The smart thing for me to do would be to smile when they say something and say nothing in return. It would make me a more gracious person. Plus, there’s no question that “silence is golden and less is more.”

At any rate, I have a chance to put my “Mid-Year” resolution in practice this evening. Here’s hoping I can REMEMBER to keep my mouth shut!!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, September 24, 2010


A couple years ago, I read that writing a blog every day could increase the traffic to my website. And the results would be obvious within a month. So I tried it and sure enough, the hits to my site did increase. However, it’s time consuming to write a blog every day and so I didn’t keep it up. As a result, of course, my traffic dropped.

And so sometime later I resumed my blog and as before the number of viewers who visited my site increased. Unfortunately, once I achieved my goal, I once again began neglecting my blog. It just took too much time. But here I am again looking at fewer hits to my website. And as you can see, I am returning once more to writing a daily blog.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, September 3, 2010


What an amazing coincidence. This past summer my 14-year-old grandson worked at the ballpark for the area’s local baseball team, The Mallards. He worked at the concession stand making funnel cakes, a food I must admit I had never heard of previously. He had a great time and made a lot of money for a “14-year-old kid.”

But the other day, I had a delightful surprise. I drove to a nearby small town to buy shoes at a great little shoe store. My parents liked to shop there for the good buys and because they became friendly with the owner, Steve, who enjoyed visiting Las Vegas as much as my parents did.

When I arrived at the store Steve greeted me and as I started looking around I noticed a couple photos of the Mallard’s baseball team. Later when I commented on the photos to Steve, he told me he owned the team. “No kidding,” I exclaimed, “my grandson Jacob worked for you all summer.” “Oh I wish I had known,” he said. “I would have given him a hard time,” he teased. And, I thought to myself, “How incredible. Steve had known my folks for many years and now he employed their great-grandson. If only my parents were still alive. They would be so pleased.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


For 25 years, I’ve had a wonderful electric popcorn popper that made delicious popcorn. And I must say, much better than any microwave popcorn I ever tasted. But my machine broke and yesterday I bought a new one. To my chagrin it cost $40 (I think I paid only $25 for my old appliance) and on top of that the popcorn I popped in the new popper tastes awful. Well, maybe not awful, but certainly bland – like it has no taste at all. And I am so unhappy.

The recipe for the old popper called for two tablespoons of oil and the new one only allows one tablespoon. You would think that small amount wouldn’t matter, but it does produce a definite difference in the taste. The popcorn has far less flavor. I contemplated using more oil, but the instructions specifically state, “Do not exceed the specified amounts.”

The question now is what are my options. I can’t exchange it for another one, because all the other machines are “hot-air” poppers that don’t use any oil at all. You can tell, “I like my oil!” And of course I have already used the appliance, so they might not take it back anyway. On the other hand, my old and new poppers are so very similar, I’m thinking that it really might not hurt to use a little extra oil anyway. So that’s exactly what I intend to do and here’s hoping I don’t destroy my new popper.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, August 14, 2010


Every year for the past four years, Joan, has not paid her condo dues on time. All the other 18 owners, pay their dues by the deadline, June 1st, but not Joan. And as condo President it has always irritated me that I and the other board of directors have to waste our time continuously contacting her to pay her dues.

Well, it is now the middle of August and I decided yesterday to take some drastic action. And so, I spent the whole morning making phone calls and searching the web to find the procedure for placing a lien on her property. When I finally completed my research, I called our treasurer to tell him of my plan. But lo and behold, he said to me, “Guess what I just received in the mail … Joan’s check for her dues!!!”

What a waste of my time, once more. And I should have known better. Four out of five things you worry about never turn into problems. It’s the one you don’t expect that comes crashing down on your head on a lovely, sunny afternoon.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


When I pull into a parking space for people with disabilities, people often glare at me with disgusted looks. I can understand their expressions, because when I sit behind the wheel of my car with my make-up and hair done, people assume I do not have a disability. But yesterday when it happened again, the elder man who thought I parked illegally actually surprised me. When I stepped out of my car he could see immediately that I walked with difficulty. I guess it made him feel guilty, because he walked right up to me and asked if he could help me into the library. Year’s ago the first time someone offered to assist me, I went home and cried. But now, I always say yes, with a smile on my face, because sometimes I meet the nicest people.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Yesterday, the day before Father’s Day, I realized with dismay that I had forgotten to send my son a Father’s Day card. But then I came up with a great idea that, in fact, I think is even better than a store-bought card. I went to and created an email account for my granddaughter, Lily who is six-months old. Then I went to to send an electronic Father’s Day card to Rick from Lily. I also sent a general greeting card from Lily to my daughter-in-law, Jen, wishing her a belated Mother’s Day as I hate to admit, but I also forgot to send her a card.

I would love to see the expressions on their faces when they read the cards and I’m assuming they will probably guess it was I who sent them. But just in case, I left a message on their phone to ask how they liked their cards. Although I am so very pleased with myself and my cleverness, I can’t help but remember my Father’s words (G-d rest his soul), “Don’t pat yourself on your back too hard, or you will break your arm.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Today, when I told my friend, Sam, about my daughter’s cat, Jafar, disabling the “PgUp” and “PgDn” keys on my laptop computer, he immediately replied, “What a smart cat.” I don’t know why, but his response immediately reminded me of a quote I heard years ago, "If you have enough monkeys banging randomly on typewriters, they will eventually type the entire works of William Shakespeare”. And it made me think that perhaps, with the accomplishments of Jafar and enough monkeys, animals really are smart.

After all, it took Jafar only a few minutes to tap the F7 key, followed by the enter key to disable the “Caret Browsing” feature on my computer. But it took me 24 hours and lots of frustration to fix it.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Whenever we have to pay a condominium bill, we need two signatures on the check. And so, today our treasurer, Laurie, stopped by for me to sign the check for our condo insurance. As she handed me the check she told me how thrilled she was at the reduced rate we received. Or I should say the reduced rate she managed to negotiate with the insurance company. When the bill came our rate had increased by $100. But Laurie said, “There is a guy at work named Benny who said you should always try to get a better price for almost everything you buy and especially for insurance.”

So she took his advice and contacted our insurance carrier. They not only removed the hundred dollars, but decreased it by another twenty dollars. “Laurie,” I said, “Great job. Can I hire you to be my financial advisor?”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I sure wish I didn’t waste so much time on my computer. On the other hand, I find this little machine is incredibly fascinating and as I work on it, hours can pass by without my even noticing it. At the same time, it often “DRIVES ME CRAZY”!!!!

Yesterday after my daughter’s cat walked across my keyboard, the “PgUp” and “PgDn” keys stopped functioning properly. At first I though the cat might have jiggled a key in such a manner that it went out of alignment. I thought about pulling off the caps and putting them back on, but I might cause some major damage. Then it occurred to me that maybe it wasn’t the cat’s fault and perhaps my computer caught a virus. Oh no, I thought, do I have to reformat my hard drive again. And what a hassle that would create. But as a first line of defense I simply ran the Malwarebytes antivirus program and luckily learned there were no viruses on my machine.

However, I still had no answer for solving the problem. And so I decided to turn to Google. But that also can be frustrating. I don’t know for sure, but perhaps I spent an hour typing in a wide variety of keywords in an effort to identify the exact problem. You can imagine my relief and sheer delight when I FINALLY discovered the problem. On some forum another user wrote, “Try tapping the F7 key, which enables and disables the caret browsing function. Heaven knows what caret browsing is, but I tried it and voilla – my problem was solved. As they say, “The thrill of winning and the agony of defeat.”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Years ago, my cat often jumped on my lap and curled up as I worked on my desktop computer. But I no longer have a cat and I have long since forgotten about those warm, cuddly moments. However, today when I babysat for my grandchildren, I once again remembered those special times.

While my grandsons played outside, I placed my laptop computer on the kitchen table and began typing. Within a few minutes, my daughter’s cat jumped on the table next to me. Since I love cat’s I was pleased and smiled at the attention she gave me. At first she sniffed my face, but then instead of curling up on my lap she stepped on my computer’s keyboard. Unfortunately, she not only made it impossible for me to finish my work, but she also somehow damaged the keyboard. And now I’m having trouble with my computer. The up and down arrow keys are no longer working properly and I can’t figure out how to fix it !!!!!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


In a couple of weeks, two of my high school friends will be staying at my house for our “Ladies only” high school reunion. And although I always keep my house neat and fairly clean, there are some relatively unimportant things I tend to overlook, like sweeping out the garage. However, in order to impress my guests, I have undertaken major tasks that I have been avoiding for awhile.

In the past few weeks, I cleaned my refrigerator, stove, and toaster oven. I dragged out a can of white paint in my basement to touch up spots on my walls. And I even polished my furniture, etc. Like many other people, the urge to really clean only seems to arise when we expect company. It’s too bad, because I like how nice the house looks. Still, I’m sorry to admit that once my guests leave, I will no doubt return to my old habits – cleaning what absolutely must be cleaned and letting the other stuff go.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Recently the salesman who helped me when I bought my new CD player was a great help and extremely personable. I so appreciated the wonderful service he gave me that I asked his name and told him I would email his manager and praise him for the excellent assistance he provided. He of course was very pleased and gave me his name, Justin Sharpee. I explained to him that I had taught school years ago and like many other employees, I remember the number of compliments I received paled in comparison to the criticisms. And so ever since then, I always try to take the time and give recognition to those who deserve it.

We then chatted a bit more and I mentioned that I had also sold real estate. “That’s a coincidence,” he said, “ I have a couple of aunts who taught school and my Dad sells real estate.”
“You’re kidding!” I exclaimed. “Is your Dad, Steve Sharpee?”
“Why, yes,” he replied in complete surprise.
“Justin,” I continued, “Your Dad and I worked for the same real estate company 35 years ago.”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, June 11, 2010


I haven’t rented a movie in a long time, but as I’m expecting guests in a couple of weeks, I decided to view a movie to make sure my player still works. The last time I watched a movie, I simply turned on my player, inserted the disk, and turned my TV to channel 4. And so, I proceeded to follow the same steps. But alas, nothing happened. All that I saw on my TV screen was snow. Good grief, once again modern technology has stymied me !!!

I had no idea what was wrong and at 5:15 on a Saturday afternoon, who could I turn to for help? Luckily, I saw an 800 number on the top of my DVD player. I dialed the number and happily heard a nice young man on the other end of the line who spoke clear English with no accent. I described what I had done and told him that next to my player was another small back piece of equipment with three wires that attached the two pieces together. I also said, “The small black piece of equipment had a button on it that I could switch from 3 to 4, which obviously allowed me to select the correct channel on my TV. In addition,” I continued, “there was a small dark colored bulb that….” And the minute I said it I realized the bulb should probably be glowing a red color, but it was not. Immediately the technician said to me, “Why don’t you check the plug?”

I couldn’t imagine that was the problem as I hadn’t touched my DVD since the last time I used it. But sure enough. The plug was loose and the minute I adjusted it, the movie started. I sure felt like a fool. At the same time, I thought to myself, once again, “Will I ever get use to this modern technology????

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Last night I had a farewell party for my neighbor, Brenda, who sold her home and will move out in another week. We live in a small condominium – a single building that consists of four two-story townhouses, and I invited the other two owners, Laurie and Heidi, as well. My three neighbors all work and so the conversation centered around their co-workers, managers, and office gossip. Since, I am retired, I added little to the conversation.

Meantime, the party reminded me of a similar event about 25 years ago. A different owner had sold her condo and the four of us original purchasers had gathered to say good-bye. Coincidentally the 4 owners at that time were again all women and three of us worked whereas the fourth was retired. And I remember vividly that because I was in my 30’s at the time, the 60+ year’s woman seemed soooo old to me. Now it is I who is 25 years older than the others and no doubt in their eyes I am the old one. As they say, “What goes around, comes around.”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


As I walked in to the restaurant, gusty winds blew my hair into a wild mess. And when I past a mirror, I saw that my dark hair looked horrid. Heaven knows why, but the first thing that came to my mind was the old Sesame Street cartoon of Wanda the Witch who washed her hair on a windy, wintry Wednesday. Perhaps the jingle came to my mind because it was, in fact, Wednesday and my wind-blown hair made me look like a witch.

And then to add to the irony as I drove home, a caller on a radio talk show introduced herself as Wanda. How often do you meet someone named Wanda? What a coincidence. The only thing missing from this scenario was the season. The day was a warm and sunny summer afternoon, not a dreary winter day.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Last night my 12-year-old grandson, Jared, called and asked if he could interview me. “Sure,” I said, “what’s the occasion?” He told me his teacher gave the class an assignment to ask people if they would like to live forever. In a heartbeat, I answered, “Yes.” Just that morning I thought about the amazing advances made by modern technology and I longingly wished to live another 50-100 years in order to see what incredible new inventions would enrich our lives in the future.

He also asked what age I would like to be. Again I quickly responded. “My 50’s.” I replied. By that time all the stresses of growing-up, raising a family, dealing with a career, etc. have past and the easy life of the golden years begins. Of course, I won’t live forever and I’ll never know what the future has in store. But if I’m really curious, I could probably just “google” it and get a clue.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Yesterday I learned that financial troubles might force my bank to close. As I have a second checking account at a different bank with a small amount of money, I didn’t think I needed to worry. But then I realized social security and my retirement company send my monthly checks to my main bank. That I thought could be a problem. If the bank closed then what would happen to those payments.

I thought about transferring all my money to a new bank. But contacting social security and my retirement office would be a hassle I really didn’t want to deal with. Not knowing whom I could call for advice, I decided to ask the people at the club where I play bridge every week. Certainly one of them had some banking experience. And sure enough. I learned that when banks fail, the FDIC comes in on a Friday morning, does whatever needs to be done, and on Monday morning the new owners have the bank up and running and “doing business as usual.” It would be nice if all my problems got solved so easily.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


I know I should turn off the computer and go swimming. Exercising is important for my health. But I enjoy ‘playing’ with my computer a whole lot more than going to the health club. When I was growing up, I never liked sports and can still remember very well that in grade school, I was always the last kid to get picked for a team. And later when I taught fourth grade, my students once asked me to play baseball with them. I’m sure you can imagine my embarrassment when I struck out.

So here I sit, writing my blog to avoid swimming. However, I do have one very strong motivator – my insurance company sends me a $100 check every six months IF I workout a minimum of ten times a month. Since it is already June 6th and I’ve only swum twice, it looks like I have no choice. I better get my butt off this chair and grab my gym bag.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Finally! And what a great idea. This morning between 8:00 and 1:00 anyone with old or unused medications could drop them off at a near-by high school. I have known for sometime that medications should not be flushed down the toilet or tossed in the trash. However, there seemed to be no easy means or information describing how to dispose of old meds. But for the first time that I’m aware of a local organization offered today’s med drop service.

Luckily, early this week I happened to see a notice about this morning’s med drop. And to my surprise there was a big crowd at the high school. Although it was an easy drive-up and drop-off procedure, because of the large number of cars ahead of me I had to wait in line. Personally I didn’t mind the wait and I’m very happy this service was offered. I only hope they start offering it on a regular basis.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, June 4, 2010


My college sorority sister, Ruthie, who lives in California, traveled to Chicago this month for a family celebration. Since I live only two and one half hours from Chicago, she and her husband decided it would be interesting to drive to Wisconsin for a little sight seeing, do a little business, and meet for lunch.

Although we saw each other a year ago at a sorority reunion, I had never met her husband and so spending time together again was great. We haven’t kept in touch over the years and weren’t that close during our school years, but some how we maintained a special bond and we enjoyed reconnecting with each other and reminiscing over our wonderful memories.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


I enjoy listening to books on tape / CD and because I live alone I can listen for three to five hours a day if I want. As a result of such constant use, my players seem to break down after only a year and a half. Luckily, when I bought my first machine, I also purchased the customer protection plan for about $10-$15. Thus, I can return the broken player with my service plan and receive an entirely new one for free.

Well yesterday, my CD player broke. But when I went back to, BestBuy they were out of the player I wanted. In addition, I didn’t want to wait until a new one arrived, as I had books to listen to when I returned home. So I said I would buy the demo model on the shelf, if they would give me a discount for the few scratches on the machine. The salesman said he would check with his manager. And to my delight they reduced the price by $25.00. Well, I left the store with a new player, a $15 customer protection plan that didn’t cost me anything, $10 in my pocket, and as you can imagine a BIG smile on my face. Submit CUTE or FUNNY photos and tell friends to vote. $2,000 in prizes. No entry fee.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Last week I heard a newscaster broadcast a story about a black bear wandering in Waunakee, a small town in Wisconsin near DeForest. As my grandsons live in Waunakee I quickly called them to ask if they had seen the bear. But much to their disappointment, they had not.

Meantime, this morning, the newscaster told a cute joke about the bear. “Do you know why the Black Bear came to Waunakee? He was sick of DeForest !!!” Kind of corny, but nevertheless, I was anxious to tell the joke to my grandsons, as I thought they would really like it. So when they got home from school, I called them, But Grandmas must be the last to know, because they had already heard the joke.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


My neighbor who recently sold her house happened to mention today that her buyers couldn’t obtain a loan from Anchor Bank, as their loan department has closed. Oh my gosh I thought – I do my banking at Anchor. Granted my account only totals about $3,500 as I have invested all my assets elsewhere, but the social security office and my pension company send my monthly checks directly to Anchor Bank. And I use the money at Anchor for my daily living expenses – food, gas, clothes, insurance, etc.

Because the FDIC insures Anchor, I know I won’t lose any of my money. But if they go under, it will create a real hassle. A couple years ago, I heard the bank was having some financial difficulties but they were taking care of it and customers need not worry. Even so, I removed $500 and opened an account at a credit union for a little measure of security. But now I’m wondering if I should totally close the Anchor account.

The problem is whom do I call for advice? Certainly not Anchor.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, May 31, 2010


I keep my television set in my upstairs den. And since I rarely spend time in my den, I don’t watch T.V. In fact the last time I turned my set on was over a year ago in February 2009 when new technology forced me to buy a converter box to switch my old set to a digital system. But since I will have two high school friends staying with me in June and since we might want to watch a video, I decided last week that I better check it out.

I turned the set on and all I saw was “snow”. So I tried clicking the channel button again and again to find a channel that would display a picture and sound. In contrast to last year when I could view 6-7 channels, only one worked. I had no idea what the problem was and thought to myself, “Darn this modern technology. I’m too old to understand it.” At least I could call my daughter and she could tell me what to do. She patiently said, “Mom, now that you have a converter box, you must use its remote control rather than the buttons on the set and sure enough she was right.” Thank goodness for children.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Radio and TV announcers are continually suggesting we boycott BP gas stations as a protest for the catastrophe they created in the Gulf of Mexico. And I certainly want those BP executives to feel the wrath we Americans hold by hitting them in their pocket book. But I also have a dilemma. For 40 years I have purchased gas at the same station and know the current, as well as the past owner, very well. He’s a nice guy and I would feel guilty taking my business elsewhere.

But yesterday when I discussed the problem with a friend she advised me that the small gas station owners are not to blame. Furthermore, it would be a shame to deprive them of their normal business. Her words eased my conscience and so, although I am very angry at BP, I will not stop trading at my local gas station. I just hope some other way turns up for me to demonstrate my fury at BP.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


My frustration has gotten the best of me and I complain loudly to anyone who will listen how much I hate the foreign workers (especially from Asia) who answer the telephone whenever I place a call for technical support or customer service. I cannot understand their foreign accents and when I ask them to please repeat what they said, they keep talking as if they don’t even hear me or pay attention to what I say. And I’m not alone as so many other people completely agree with me. In addition, I hate the wealthy C.E.O’s who deprive American workers of the jobs that get shipped overseas.

However, I learned yesterday that I am just as responsible. Someone finally told me, what I should have known all along, it is precisely because of me and people like me that the situation exists. Without those foreign workers, the cost of the products I want to buy would cost a great deal more. And as long as I want to pay the lowest amount possible, I can no longer complain about this problem or criticize the wealthy C.E.O.’s. Furthermore, in the future, I’ll stop acting so rude to those foreign workers. It’s not their fault, it is my selfishness and they deserve better treatment.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, May 28, 2010


For years my son Rick’s forgetfulness has made me feel bad. He forgets to send me birthday cards, neglects to call me, and doesn’t respond to my emails. But an email yesterday from my daughter, Cathy, has lifted my sadness forever.

She called Rick on Wednesday to wish him a Happy Anniversary. Since the date Rick and Jen married coincides with her son Jared’s birthday, my daughter has no trouble remembering their anniversary. It’s also easy to remember as the wedding took place in Las Vegas on Friday May 26th during the 2006 Memorial Day weekend.

Happy Anniversary she said when Rick answered the phone. But Rick was dumfounded. He replied, “Oh, I thought it was Friday.” When Cathy told me of Rick’s response, I smiled and realized, if he forgets to wish his wife a happy anniversary, I don’t ever have to feel bad again. In addition, I laughed out loud when my daughter told me how she answered Rick, “I told him it changes days each year.” What was he thinking??? Submit CUTE or FUNNY photos and tell friends to vote. $2,000 in prizes. No entry fee.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


A high school friend will be staying with me in June when we will be attending our class reunion. And so yesterday, I decided to get out my paintbrush and my old can of paint to paint some spots on my wall that need a little touching up. I had my house painted a number of years ago and luckily kept the left over white paint for just such occasions.

Unfortunately, without knowing it, I did not close the paint can tightly enough the last time I used it. Thus, when I pried open the lid, to my surprise and terrible disappointment I found that the paint had turned to stone. But all’s well that end’s well. Recently, I had a new front door installed on my condominium and my handyman had purchased a new can of white paint to paint the door. So, even though it’s not as perfect, it will have to do. In addition, I don’t have to worry about throwing away the old paint in an environmentally correct way. Since the paint is so hard, it is no longer toxic and I can just toss in with all my other garbage.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Eight years ago, I started listening to books on tape. Because I live alone, I can listen to the books all day long if I like -- while I’m getting dressed, cooking, cleaning, etc. Thus, I listen to three or four books a week which totals over a 1,000 books since I first began in 2002. Unfortunately, I neglected to keep a list of the books I’ve listened to. As a result, I have, more than once, put a tape in my recorder of a book I had already heard.

Lo and behold a couple of days ago, I once again began a book I had already “read”. But I didn’t recognize it at all. And not until I was half way through the book, did I finally recognize a particular event in the book. Furthermore, it seems to have been the only part of the book I recalled because I had no idea of how it ended. Oh well … I just hope I will remember not to read it again.

By Hannah www.FunnyPhotosCont
a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I could hardly believe my ears when the newscaster reported that the citizens in Waunakee, a small town only ten minutes from my house, had spotted a black bear in their city. What a shock! I immediately called my daughter, who lives in Waunakee, to learn more about the bear. My son-in-law answered the phone and told me that since the population of bears in northern Wisconsin has exploded, it is not uncommon for male bears to travel south looking for new territory.

Neither he nor my two grandsons had seen the bear, but they were about to go looking. Like all the others in the area, everyone was anxious to get a glimpse of the black bear.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, May 24, 2010


My family always enjoyed playing board games, cards, and card tricks. To this day I still enjoy those pastimes and I have even taught them to my children and grandchildren. There was one trick my parents taught me, however, that was exceptionally unique. They gave me a deck of cards and told me to pull one out. I showed the card to my Mom and then she went to the telephone, dialed a number, asked if “The Wizard” was there, then said she wanted to speak to the wizard. After a minute or two she said, “Would you please tell my daughter the card?” I was, needless to say stunned when the Wizard told me the card I was holding.

Over the years, I have enjoyed thrilling my friends with the trick and now my grandsons are doing the same. Recently, when my phone rang, I recognized the voice of my youngest grandson asking, “Is the Wizard there?” We finished the call and I knew my phone would ring several more times again, as my grandson’s friends would want to repeat the trick. But in the middle of the third call, my grandson screeched “OH NO?” He had accidentally hit the speaker-phone button and all his friends heard how the trick was played! Submit CUTE or FUNNY photos and tell friends to vote. $2,000 in prizes. No entry fee.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I feel guilty that I lose my temper and get so angry. Actually the poor employee on the other end of the telephone is not to blame that I can’t understand his or her foreign accent. But it is just so frustrating that I can’t get the information I need and I have to waste so much time.

The people responsible for the problem are the greedy American CEO’s who ship all their jobs for telephone customer service and technical support oversees. Unfortunately foreigners have been replacing American workers for the past five to ten years. And it doesn’t seem like it will change anytime soon. But it’s a terrible shame. I’m sure I’m not the only one who shares my frustration. And even worse is that so many American citizens have lost their jobs and are unemployed. a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Times have certainly changed – lasers, computers, Ipads Kindles, etc. etc. But to my surprise, even the legal profession has changed. Years ago when my ex-husband and I divorced, we each had to hire separate attorneys to literally fight over the terms and conditions of the divorce.

But, I learned recently that they have developed a new, more civilized procedure. Now, one attorney acts as a mediator to resolve the entire procedure. As a result, it is easier and more amicable. Too bad it wasn’t available when I got divorced. a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


No doubt you have heard the old saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” I certainly have. In fact, if he spoke these words to me once, my Father spoke them a million times and as always he was right. Recently, I read a book that clearly demonstrated this admonition. When I checked out the book, “Street Gang” from the library, I imagined vivid scenes of teen-agers fighting with knives and guns.

But the story to my complete surprise and sheer delight was the total opposite of what I expected. It told the history of a very unique and charming street gang -- a gang that will surely generates wonderful memories and bring a big smile to your face just thinking about it. It’s the gang you grew up with, Big Bird, the Cookie Monster, Oscar the Grouch, Kermit, Miss Piggy, Elmo, Mr. Hooper, etc. – the wonderful Sesame Street Gang !!! And if you haven’t yet read the book, you might want to hurry to the library to check it out, “Street Gang” by Michael Davis. a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I can’t believe how inconsiderate he is. Not only did he absentmindedly walk off with my screwdrivers and then neglect to call and let me know that he had them, but now he is putting off returning them to me. Several days after he installed my new smoke detectors I discovered my screwdrivers were missing. I immediately remembered that I let my handyman use them and realized he still had them.

No problem. I simply called to ask when he could return them and he replied tomorrow. Great I thought. But about 4:00 when he had still not appeared, I called again. “So sorry,” he said, “today has been crazy, but I’ll drop them off tomorrow morning.” I told him I would not be home, but to just leave them in the front door. Needless to say, I was not surprised to find there were no screwdrivers when I opened my front door.

And so I called again! “So sorry,” he said again, “I can’t find them, but I think they are on my dresser. I will bring them to you tomorrow.” Well, I am really irritated now. It’s not that I need the screwdrivers immediately, but his irresponsibility and lack of courtesy is annoying and I’m beginning to think I’ll never get them back. Granted I’m guessing he will replace them – after all he won’t want to lose my business, but these were very special. They formed the handle of my little hammer. When I unscrewed the handle, a regular screwdriver appeared. And lodged inside the screwdriver were two smaller ones. What a convenient little tool. And I want them back!! a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, May 3, 2010


All week long I checked the Internet for the weekend’s weather forecast. I feared possible rain for the Sunday. 12:00 noon wedding I would attend at a nearby park. Why are young people so impractical? There would always be a 50% chance of rain to ruin a perfectly wonderful occasion. Granted an outdoor wedding in a beautiful park would be lovely. But one could easily expect a cold, rainy day for May 2nd.

Throughout the week, the radio weatherman and the websites I viewed all vacillated between possible rain and sunshine for Sunday. Even as late as Saturday afternoon, the forecast predicted Saturday evening showers that would end by noon on Sunday. And since you can never trust the weatherman, it was not looking good.

But I awoke on Sunday to a beautiful day with pleasant temperatures and a clear sky. The bride was in deed very lucky. Her wedding and reception were beautiful. Not a drop of rain fell … until the end of the day, when the weather reports came true and the rain began. Submit CUTE or FUNNY photos and tell friends to vote. $2,000 in prizes. No entry fee.

Friday, April 30, 2010


Wow!!! I am so excited and can hardly believe that I once again have my 20-year-old eyes. That’s right, in March I had cataract surgery and my distant vision has now improved to 20/25. The best news is that now I don’t have to wear my contact lenses any more. It sure would be nice if there were surgery for wrinkles, aches, and pains, etc, just like the cataract surgery to give me back my entire 20-year-old body.

As happy as I am, I must admit it also came with a slight downside. Now that I can see so much better, I also see all kinds of dust and dirt in my house that I hadn’t seen for a long time. As a result, I have cleaned my stove and refrigerator and wiped down my walls, etc since my surgery. a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Yesterday afternoon at 3:00, I had cataract surgery. Prior to the surgery, the nurse instructed me to eat only dry toast and tea for breakfast that morning and nothing else until the doctor had finished the procedure. No problem, every year when I fast on Yom Kippur I don’t even have the luxury of dry toast and tea in the morning. But I decided that on the drive home after the surgery, I would stop at taco bell for a delicious beef supreme chalupa and their wonderful cheesy potatoes…. hmmm, hmmmm.

I don’t eat them often and so, just the thought of the treat made my mouth water. Unfortunately, I didn’t get my chalupa or potatoes. Immediately after the surgery, the nurse brought me a glass of cranberry apple juice and a plate of ritz-bitz crackers with cheese and graham crackers. Since I was famished I quickly polished off the tasty juice and crackers in minutes and was no longer hungry. As you can imagine, when I drove past Taco Bell I didn’t feel like eating again and so I didn’t even stop. But I was disappointed that I missed the chalupa and cheesy potatoes that I had so eagerly anticipated.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Yesterday while swimming at the health club, I got some water in my right ear. As I have been swimming for years and water has frequently filled my ear temporarily, I didn’t give it a second thought. Unfortunately, the water remained in my ear for 30 minutes and then for a couple hours. At first I figured it would eventually take care of itself and let it go. But it felt uncomfortable and I couldn’t hear out of my right ear.

When I asked people what remedies they might have, I certainly got an “ear full” !!! Blow your nose, cough, drink water slowly, and bend your head to the side while you jump up and down. Of course, none of these suggestions worked. But thank goodness for Google. I typed, “Removing water from your ear,” and found two great responses. The first I tried worked immediately. I bent my head to the side, put my palm against my ear, and began bumping my palm in and out. It acted like a suction device and within seconds my ear cleared. Later I tried a second suggestion to further dry out any remaining water. I turned on my hair dryer to low and began blowing the warm air into my ear.

As a result of the advice I found on the Internet, I felt much better and I can only wonder, “Whatever did we do before Google?”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, March 1, 2010


On Saturday, I ran into a high school classmate whom I haven’t seen for years and without realizing it, he made me feel great. While eating breakfast on Sat, I mentally planned how I would spend my day. As I had only two simple tasks to complete – feeding my daughter’s cats and swimming at the health club, I decided to start my day by checking my emails. I had lots of time. It was only 9:30.

But the next thing I knew, it was 3:00 in the afternoon and I still hadn’t even gotten dressed. Needless to say, after feeding the cats, by the time I arrived at the health club it was after 5:00 and I was really angry at myself. But as I walked into the health club, I saw Tim pedaling away on one of the exercycles. We started chatting and I told him how I had been thinking about coming to the club since early this morning, but first turned on my computer. And to my delight Tim said, “I know what you mean. I did the exact same thing. I would have exercised much earlier today, myself. But I sat down at my computer to do some work on a book I’m writing and here it is, the end of the day and I just started my workout.”

“Tim,” I said, “Thank you, Thank you. You just made my day. I’m glad to know I’m not alone and now I don’t feel so bad.”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


On Sunday, the members of my condo association met for their annual meeting and voted for me as this year’s President. Of course, most people would probably consider this an honor, but in all fairness, I have to admit no one else wanted the job! But let me explain. When I first moved into my condo 30 years ago, I participated in the condo meetings regularly and even held the position of secretary for a couple years. But after that I become involved in other activities and didn’t attend another meeting, until 2002, seven and one half years ago

In July of that year, the President called a special meeting to vote on a new insurance company for our Association. However, because I had serious reservations about the proposed company, I decided to attend the meeting. There was such dissension during the discussion both the President and Vice President quit. And since I spoke out so vehemently at the meeting, the other members decided to nominate and vote for me to replace the Vice President. Prior to the meeting, I had no intention of taking an active role again in the Association. But Vice President’s usually have few responsibilities, so I consented.

Unfortunately, two months later the new President quit and there I was – the third President of our Association in one year. Oh well, I was retired, had the time, and the secretary and treasurer were both competent and well respected members who were easy to work with. In fact, I found that I enjoyed the job. Our condo association contains only 19 members and I decided to collect each owner’s email address to conduct as much business as possible on the computer. This decision has helped simplify my responsibilities immensely. And so when no one else volunteered for the job, I agreed to continue and remain as the president for the eighth year.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.