Wednesday, November 30, 2011


In addition to Medicare, I pay $170 a month for my current supplemental health insurance policy. It includes doctor, hospital, and prescription drugs and covers everything. But I just learned I would only have to pay $61 if I purchased a policy from the Humana Company, a savings of $1,200 a year.

It would seem the decision is simple. However, I have two concerns. In addition to Humana’s $61 monthly fee, I would have to pay a $10 deductible every time I visit my primary physician and $35 for every visit to a specialist. Since I rarely go to the doctor, the deductibles do not really pose any problem. But heaven forbid, if I were to break a leg or something, it might end up costing me a lot. Although if the costs didn’t exceed, $1,200, I would still be ahead.

But my second concern probably carries a lot more weight. My current insurance carrier pays me $200 a year if I exercise 10 times a month. I have MS and it is important for me to swim at my health club regularly. At the same time, I must admit, my basic nature is to be lazy. And so the $200 is an excellent incentive. Without it, I know that more often than not, I would simply stay at home instead of going to the health club to exercise.

And so, the choice boils down to save a lot of money or exercise 10 times a month. And though I hate to give up $1200, my lazy nature leaves me no option. I have to stay with my more expensive insurance company, to insure that I exercise and keep my MS in check.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


The Other day, my cousin told me that in addition to his Medicare insurance he pays only $31 a month for all his supplemental insurance from Humana. That sounded great to me as, I pay about $175. And so, I immediately called Humana. Sure enough, I too could purchase their policy for the same price. Thus, I made an appointment to meet with one of their representatives.

But later in the day, the more I thought about it the more doubts I had. As a result, I called Humana back to cancel the appointment. You can imagine my frustration when I called and was on hold for 30 minutes while they transferred my call several times. “How ridiculous,” I thought.

So finally, I told the last person with whom I spoke, I was tired of waiting on the phone for such a long time. I said, “I didn’t have to call your company. I could have simply not shown up for the appointment. But that would be rude and I didn’t want to inconvenience some unsuspecting salesperson. Furthermore, if they couldn’t help me in the next couple of minutes, I would hang up.” Well guess what? They took care of it immediately …. thank goodness.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, November 28, 2011


I went to Walgreens this afternoon to purchase some vitamins, cosmetics, etc. But at the top of my list I had written new swimming cap so that I could go swimming tomorrow at the Health Club. Unfortunately, when I asked one of the employees where to find swimming caps, she told me we don’t sell them in the winter.

I couldn’t believe it. For years, I have bought swimming caps at Walgreens. And what about all the people who belong to health clubs and swim regularly? In addition, what about all the people who spend their winters in warm climates? At least I thought, I would ask to have Walgreens order one for me. To my chagrin, the manager said that she looked on her computer and there were NONE available. Of course, I was disappointed and frustrated.

I could always buy one on my computer, but it would take awhile before I would receive it and I would also have to pay for shipping and handling. In the meantime, when I finished shopping at Walgreens, I stopped at the health club. Although, I couldn’t swim I would ride one of their exer-cycles. As I walked in, I casually and half-heartedly asked the guy sitting at the front desk, “Do you happen to sell swimming caps?” And OMG was I ever shocked when he said, “Yes.” I never dreamed I would receive a positive response and I was almost ready to kiss the young man !!!!!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


When I finished putting on my bathing suit today at the health club, I suddenly remembered that last week, the strap on my bathing cap broke. Well, no problem … I always keep an extra new pair of goggles and another new bathing cap in my gym bag. But when I reached in my bag, to my horror I discovered, that the cap was not a new one, but an old one that I had worn a few years ago. In addition, it had deteriorated and almost fell apart in my hands.

What a bummer. I was ready to jump in the pool, but now I couldn’t go swimming, as the water would totally mess up my hair. For a few minutes, I just sat there feeling very irritated. But then, I realized it wasn’t a complete loss. I could get in pool and walk in the water – forward, backwards, and sideway -- as I do every time I go swimming.

But when I climbed out of the pool, I though to myself, “It served me right.” When I arrived at the health club, I noticed a van pull into the handicap parking space next to me. The female driver didn’t look disabled and her pre-teen daughter got out of the car. I asked the young girl when she walked past, “What disability does your Mom have?” She just kind of shrugged her shoulders and I said, “Tell your Mom that’s a no-no.”

I immediately regretted it. The young girl had nothing to do with it and if her Mom had walked past, I probably wouldn’t have said anything to her. I felt like a jerk and even thought that surely something unpleasant would now happen to me. Sure enough, one bad turn deserves another -- and I got it.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, November 25, 2011


The people who complain about our government are nothing more than a bunch of grinches. There are problems everywhere in life – marriage, business, relationships, etc – but focusing on what’s wrong accomplishes nothing. When is the last time these complainers volunteered at a local school to read to kids, to join the PTA, to volunteer on Thanksgiving to feed the less fortunate?

People who think positively are healthier and live longer than those who don’t. What this country needs is a good shot of optimism. And unfortunately, all the complainers are just dragging us down.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


At 4:30 a friend and I are going out for Thanksgiving dinner. And since I’m not busy this afternoon preparing a huge dinner for company, I decided to call my cousin in Door Country to wish him a Happy Thanksgiving.

I turned on my cell phone to make the call. I always use it for long distance calls as every month I can make 300 minutes of free phone calls on my cell phone. When I called, the phone rang only once before the answering machine prompted me to leave a message. I assumed that since the phone only rang once, instead of the normal 4 or 5 that maybe he was home and talking on his phone.

And so instead of turning off my phone which I always do when I’m not using it, I placed it on the table and decided I would call my cousin again in a few minutes. But almost immediately my cell phone started ringing. What a shock. Since most of the time my cell phone is turned off, I receive very few calls.

But how lucky for me. It was my daughter-in-law calling. I asked if they were near their computer so that we could switch from our cell phones to Skype. She said yes and what a joy to see my granddaughter on Thanksgiving.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


As President of my condo association, when something goes wrong, my phone starts ringing and the complaints begin. So yesterday, when we received the first snowfall of the season, a full half-inch, I knew I had to cut off the grievances “at the pass”.

Every year the company that plows our private drive, places both sand barrels on our property and stakes around the road to guide the plows. A few days before the snowfall, the company had set up the stakes but not the sand barrels. Luckily, the day before the snowfall, by sheer coincidence, I happened to call the company to remind them of the exact locations of where to place the barrels.

And so the morning that I woke up and saw the snow, I knew some owners would call me unless I took some action. Thus, I immediately sent an email to all the owners stating, “Just wanted to let you know, that I called Bruces yesterday (what a coincidence ;-) to remind them where to place our sand barrels. Unfortunately, they placed the stakes around our roadway the other day, but didn’t get to the sand barrels in time. Who would have guessed we would have snow today when the temperature was almost 60 on Sunday? On the other hand, what else could we expect … this is Wisconsin. But they’ll be bringing the sand soon. Sorry for any inconvenience.”

I guess my email did the trick. Not one owner called me. Whewwwww !!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


My son is wonderful and I love him dearly. But more often than not, he does not respond to my emails which of course disappoints me very much. And so last week, I thought maybe I should send him a message stating, “I sent you a couple emails over the past two weeks, to make arrangements to Skype so that I can see and talk to my granddaughter, Lily. But you have ignored me.”

I admit it would be a harsh and unpleasant email and I would not like someone sending such a message to me. Well luckily I never mailed it. Lo and behold, this morning my son sent me an email, “Hi Mom, I’ll try to Skype in the next few days. Sorry but I had the flu.”

I felt like a creep and I should know better. This is not the first time I think about admonishing him. But each time, before I take any action, he does something to reaffirm to me what a great son he is. Thank goodness, I’ve never acted on my impulses and in the future, I should always remember this important lesson.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, November 21, 2011


When I check out at the grocery store, I separate my purchases into two parts – perishables and non-perishables. And I have a good reason for doing this. I live in a three-story, townhouse condominium with the garage in the basement and kitchen on the first floor. So when I bring home 10 –12 bags of groceries, I don’t have to carry all of the bags upstairs to my kitchen at one time.

Immediately on returning home from the grocery store, I carry my perishables up to the kitchen. But I leave the other groceries in the trunk of my car so that I can bring them in the next day. Well, yesterday when I finished putting away the milk, ice cream, and other perishables, I realized my two loaves of bread were missing. Good grief I thought, “I must have placed them with my non-perishable items even though I also put them right into the freezer to stay fresh until I need them.” Oh well, there was no harm done. They would be fine in my car for another day.

But, today when I brought the rest of my groceries upstairs to my kitchen I saw there was NO bread at all. Obviously the young woman who had packed my groceries and placed the bags in the grocery cart left the bag with my bread on the checkout counter. No problem, I looked over my sales receipt and found the two loaves listed. So I called the store and sure enough, they had my bag of two breads plus my dozen eggs.

That was the good news. But the bad news was that now I had the hassle of going back to the store to pick them up. Luckily, they told me that if I call the store when I pull up in front they would bring my groceries out to me.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


My Mom and I played duplicate bridge for years before she passed away. But since 2008, I have not found a new regular partner and so now time and again I play with different people. I enjoy duplicate bridge but two things frustrate me. To begin with most of the people I play with are very nice, but some take the game too seriously and after each hand immediately tell me about the things that I should have done better. They mean no harm, but their constant criticisms are not pleasant. In addition, more often than not we place near the bottom.

But yesterday, I luckily found a new partner. Usually a few days before the game, I look through my bridge directory and call several people to ask if they can play. Well the other day, I called a number of players, but none of them were available. So, I started on page one of the directory to look through the book for a possible partner. Finally, near the end, I spotted Sky’s name. I had seen her often at the bridge club and she seemed very nice. Thus, I called her and was pleased when she agreed to play. But best of all, she was also a very polite lady and never found fault with me even once and at the end of the day we discovered we came in second place. WooHoo…Happy Day. Of course, we then decided we definitely want to play bridge together more often.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


When my parents were alive, we always spent Thanksgiving at their house. But now that they are gone, and the rest of my family have “scattered,” I have to make other plans. My son and his family live in Chicago, my daughter and her family go to her in-law's farm so that my son-in-law and grandsons can deer hunt, and my sister lives in Las Vegas.

Luckily, I have good friends and for the past few years four of us have celebrated Thanksgiving together. But this year, two of them have traveled out west and so Sam and I decided the two of us would go out for dinner ourselves at a nice restaurant. Unfortunately, when I started calling a few restaurants I learned many will close that day.

Fortunately, we finally found a place that will open at 5:00 p.m. on Thanksgiving and so that’s where we will go and afterwards, we are going to rent a movie. Meantime, when anyone asks what am I making for Thanksgiving, I smile and say, “I’m making Reservations”.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Yesterday at the health club, a friend asked if I had yet signed a petition to recall Governor Walker. “No,” I said, “I want to, but where can I find one?” She proceeded to tell me that on the following day she and a group of other volunteers would collect signatures from 3:00 – 4:00 at a park close to my home. I made a note of the information and told her I would certainly try to stop at the park on my way home.

Unfortunately, I had previously made plans for Friday afternoon and didn’t know if I could arrive at the park on time. However, I needn’t have worried. When I arrived home from the health club, I received an email from a neighbor letting me know if anyone in the area wanted to sign a petition, she would happily stop by and let us sign hers. Furthermore, another friend I talked to later that night told me I could download a form on the Interent, complete it, and mail it in.

As they say when it rains it pours. When I woke up Thursday I had no idea where I could sign a recall petition. But by the end of the day, I had several options.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


My phone rang early this morning and the woman on the other end called to cancel our appointment for tomorrow. On Friday afternoons, as a volunteer at the local senior center, I tutor, for free, anyone who needs help using their computers. She apologized profusely and proceeded to explain why she could not make it. Three weeks ago her 14 year-old granddaughter came to live with her and her husband. The girl’s parents had died and now the girl would be living with her 80 year old grandparents.

After explaining these circumstances to me she said, that on Friday afternoon, the Waunakee High School football team was playing in the championship game and she needed to drive the young girl and her friend to the game. “What an interesting coincidence,” I said, “my grandson is one of the boys on the football team.” As my grandson is 16 and a sophomore, I asked if her granddaughter was a freshman. “No,” she answered, “she’s in eighth grade.”

And so we rescheduled the appointment and said goodbye. But later in the day it occurred to me that not only would her granddaughter be watching my grandson playing football, but the young girl no doubt also knew my younger grandson who is in eighth grade and most likely in some of her classes. Sure enough, I called my youngest grandson and he confirmed that he does know her. What a small world !!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.


My phone rang early this morning and the woman on the other end called to cancel our appointment for tomorrow. On Friday afternoons, as a volunteer at the local senior center, I tutor, for free, anyone who needs help using their computers. She apologized profusely and proceeded to explain why she could not make it. Three weeks ago her 14 year-old granddaughter came to live with her and her husband. The girl’s parents had died and now the girl would be living with her 80 year old grandparents.

After explaining these circumstances to me she said, that on Friday afternoon, the Waunakee High School football team was playing in the championship game and she needed to drive the young girl and her friend to the game. “What an interesting coincidence,” I said, “my grandson is one of the boys on the football team.” As my grandson is 16 and a sophomore, I asked if her granddaughter was a freshman. “No,” she answered, “she’s in eighth grade.”

And so we rescheduled the appointment and said goodbye. But later in the day it occurred to me that not only would her granddaughter be watching my grandson playing football, but the young girl no doubt also knew my younger grandson who is in eighth grade and most likely in some of her classes. Sure enough, I called my youngest grandson and he confirmed that he does know her. What a small world !!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Without a doubt, as we age our memories fade. And over the last few days I have experienced this problem with three different friends.

Last Thurs, I called a friend to invite her to go out to lunch and to the free movie at the Senior Center. As she wasn’t home, I left a message on her answering machine. Unfortunately instead of calling my home phone she dialed my cell phone, even though I have asked her many times NOT to call my cell phone. I keep it in my car for emergencies, and if she calls on a day I don’t go out, then I miss her call. Too bad she forgot and mistakenly called my cell phone.

On Friday, I called another friend to confirm our plans to play bridge at the local duplicate bridge club on Saturday. Unfortunately, she had forgotten that we had set the date a few weeks ago and recently made other plans. So I didn’t get to play bridge the next day.

On Monday, I called a third friend to find out what time she wanted to meet for lunch on Tuesday and go shopping as we had planned a few days earlier. I couldn’t believe it when she said, she was so sorry that she made a mistake. When she agreed to our plans she had forgotten that she had already scheduled a previous engagement. Unbelievable.

Of course, I was frustrated, but then again, I didn’t want to cast any blame. I too have been guilty of forgetting. In fact, I still remember one such occasion which occurred years ago when I was much younger.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.


Without a doubt, as we age our memories fade. And over the last few days I have experienced this problem with three different friends.

Last Thurs, I called a friend to invite her to go out to lunch and to the free movie at the Senior Center. As she wasn’t home, I left a message on her answering machine. Unfortunately instead of calling my home phone she dialed my cell phone, even though I have asked her many times NOT to call my cell phone. I keep it in my car for emergencies, and if she calls on a day I don’t go out, then I miss her call. To bad she forgot and mistakenly called my cell phone.

On Friday, I called another friend to confirm our plans to play bridge at the local duplicate bridge club on Saturday. Unfortunately, she had forgotten that we had set the date a few weeks ago and recently made other plans. So I didn’t get to play bridge the next day.

On Monday, I called a third friend to find out what time she wanted to meet for lunch on Tuesday and go shopping as we had planned a few days earlier. I couldn’t believe it when she said, she was so sorry that she made a mistake. When she agreed to our plans she had forgotten that she had already scheduled a previous engagement. Unbelievable.

Of course, I was frustrated, but then again, I didn’t want to cast any blame. I too have been guilty of forgetting. In fact, I still remember one such occasion which occurred years ago when I was much younger.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I arrived at the Olive Garden at noon and sat down to wait for my two friends. After ten minutes the hostess asked if I would like to be seated and she would bring my friends to the table. I expected my friends any minute and so preceded to the table.

However, the few minutes turned in to 10 minutes, then 20 minutes, and then 25 minutes. By then I knew my friends would not be joining me for lunch. I had just confirmed our plans the day before and could not imagine what happened to them. “Oh well,” I thought, “I’m here, I’m hungry, and I might as well eat lunch”

I ordered the food and my waitress was so sweet in her concern for me that my friends had not shown up. Nevertheless, I ate my lunch -- their wonderful all-you-can-eat soup and salad -- and enjoyed every bite of it.

When I finished, my waitress brought the check, but to my complete surprise she told me my meal was on the house !!!! “What,” I exclaimed. I could hardly believe that they would offer such a nice gift. They said it was a shame my friends had not come and they were happy to do it. I greatly appreciated their kind gesture, tipped the waitress generously, and told them I would write about their kindness in my blog.

Now I just hope that everyone who reads my blog will eat at the Olive Garden soon. The food is great and I know you will enjoy it! a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Shortly after I launched my website,, I received an email from a software developer offering to donate prizes to my contestants. He sold a photo organizing program and would send it to my winners. I was thrilled on two counts. First, I was flattered that he had found my website and second, I was pleased he was willing to contribute a gift to my winners.

When I told my sister, she kind of scoffed at the proposal and said, “How do you know it’s even legitimate?” But here it is five years later and he is still a loyal sponsor. In fact, today he sent me a very pleasant and surprising email. Every month, I send him the name of the winner and he sends me the serial numbers for his software that the winner can download from his website, But today, to simplify the process, he emailed me 12 serial numbers for the winners of the next 12 months. What a wonderful gesture on his part and what tremendous appreciation I have for him.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Recently at a birthday party someone asked the group, “What was your favorite present?” I thought about the question for a minute or two and could not think of a single present I had ever received on my birthday. My Mom and Dad had always given me money that I appreciated, but most of the time I just put it in the bank and waited until I found something I wanted to buy.

But then it hit me. I did receive a spectacular birthday present one year -- when I turned 16. I had passed my driver’s test and my Dad gave me a gold key to the family car!!! It was a great and very unique present. No one else I ever knew had a gold key to their cars.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


They say that if you don’t like the weather in Wisconsin, just wait a day or two. And that is certainly true. In fact this past week provides a perfect example. On Sunday when I drove to Chicago to see my two-year old granddaughter, the temperature reached close to 60 degrees. It was a lovely day. But on Wednesday we received a combination of rain, sleet, and almost an inch of snow!! By Friday the snow had all melted and on Saturday the temperature once again reached close to 60 degrees.

As a friend once said, in Wisconsin, don’t be surprised to have winter, spring, summer, and fall weather all within one week.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Years ago, when my children were little, my friends and I all read and followed the advice of Dr. Spock, the well-known baby doctor. Most was probably not that great, but one pearl of wisdom has proved very valuable – use a humidifier to help prevent colds, coughs, etc. And so ever since, I have dragged my small humidifier out of the closet every October and filled it every night to moisten the air and keep me healthy during the winter.

It has certainly made a difference for me and the other night on the radio an announcer reinforced the importance of a humidifier by telling his listeners that it can even help prevent the flu. Since my son got the flu twice last month and his wife caught it once, I immediately passed the information on to him. Here’s hoping it helps them as well.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Telemarketers are certainly creating clever ways to sell their “wares”. Yesterday, when I answered my phone, the voice on the other end was a recording stating that I had won a free cruise. I simply needed to answer a few short political questions to be eligible. Why not I thought, and pressed “1” to continue.

However, the three survey questions were too mundane to be of any value. They were 1) rank how Congress is doing. 2) Rank how the Senate is doing. And 3) Rank how the President is doing. When I finished my responses, a human voice came on the phone and said the taxes and some other minor expense were not included.

At that point, I realized I was one of those fools who are born every minute. And I thought to myself, “I should have known…There’s no free lunch.” So I politely replied, “Thank you, but sorry I’m not interested.”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


A friend of mine turned 50 today and when I called to say Happy Birthday, it reminded me of the day I turned 50. I didn't mind reaching that significant milestone. Actually, I just couldn't believe I had lived A HALF A CENTURY. I remember waking up and thinking that it just didn’t seem possible that I had lived so many years.

But then again, when I turned 50, Reader’s Digest sent me a letter wishing me a happy 50th. And I was so mad at them for flaunting my age, I canceled my subscription !!!!!

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Although I retired several years ago, once or twice a year I meet a few of the women I formerly worked with for dinner. Occasionally, we meet at the Olive Garden and I always enjoy my meals. But my friends love Indian food and we occasionally, meet at one of the local Indian restaurants. Unfortunately, I hate Indian food. I just don’t care for curry or the Indian spices.

The first couple of times, I asked my daughter who does like Indian food to recommend something I might like. But that didn’t do any good, I just didn’t like the taste of the food I ordered. But last week when my friends and I met for our long overdue dinner at an Indian restaurant, I decided to ask the waiter if there were any foods on the menu that had NO cury or Indian spices.

Lucky for me he suggested the appetizers and there were several that appealed to me. I ended up ordering their chicken strips deep-fried in a peanut batter. And when they arrived at the table, I was pleased that they not only looked good, but they tasted great. Now I won’t have to dread our bi-annual dinners at an Indian restaurant.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Monday, November 7, 2011


About 10 years I started making weekly trips to the library to borrow books on tape. Since then I have enjoyed listening to hundreds of books. But today as I pulled up to the library I realized I had forgotten to bring my library card. This has never happened to me, but I had changed purses and unfortunately I left my card in the other purse.

I assumed they might not give me the books, but hoped they knew me well enough to check out the books without the card. I certainly did not have time to go home and make a second trip to the library. To my surprise, I explained to the woman at the desk what happened and she told me it was no problem at all. In fact, she has checked so many books for me over the past several years, that she didn’t even ask my name.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


My daughter, Cathy, my grandson, Jacob, and I drove to Chicago today to visit my son, Rick, and his family. As Jacob just turned 16 in October and passed his driving test the following week, I knew he would enjoy driving my car and so I gave him my keys and off we drove. However, I did choose to sit in the back seat. I would let Mom sit in the front seat to “supervise.” Jacob is a good driver and didn’t really need any supervision, except he’s a teenage boy and as you would expect, every so often Mom had to remind him to slow down.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Tomorrow, my daughter, Cathy, and I are driving to Chicago to visit my son, Rick, my daughter-in-law, Jen, and my two year-old granddaughter, Lily. I don’t get to see Lily often and so I always look forward to our visits. But tomorrow’s visit may have special significance.

Recently Jen sent me a photo of Lily wearing a cute little pink sweatshirt type jacket. I smiled when I saw it, because I own a very similar jacket. And so, I plan to wear it tomorrow and hope Jen will take a photo of Lily and me wearing our matching jackets. We will surely look just like twins …..

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

Friday, November 4, 2011


I’ve known for a long time that when a car with a disabled license plate drives up to a gas station, the law requires the gas station attendant to fill the gas tank, but only charge the driver the lower self-serve gas price. Although I’ve had M.S. for 40 years, I can pump my own gasoline and so I always have. However, today when I pulled into the gas station, where I have purchased gas for years and years, one of the staff came up to my car, before I got out and offered to pump the gas for me.

I greatly appreciated his thoughtful gesture and thanked him very much. In addition, when he finished I told him to tell his boss to give him a raise. But I smiled when he replied, “Oh, I just got one last week!”

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.