She has never sent me a Christmas card and so it should have surprised me to find one in my mailbox this year. However, my neighbor Eileen must have felt guilty and knew that she owned me an apology. Last week when we had six inches of snow, she called me to complain that the Bruce Company had done a terrible job of plowing her driveway and she insisted that they come back and plow her driveway again.
As President of our condominium association I expect calls like this and earlier that same day I received a request to contact the plowers to return and salt our slippery roadway which I immediately did. But Eileen’s call puzzled me as the roadway and driveways all looked plowed to me when I looked out my window. However, as I couldn’t see Eileen’s drive directly I called another neighbor who lives next to Eileen and learned that the drive had in fact been plowed but the wind had created some drifts.
Thus, I called the plowing company and then called Eileen back as I had promised to do. But when her husband, Takis, answered he started shouting at me that the company had done a terrible job and he was not going to pay his share. At the same time, I heard Eileen voice in the background saying, “Takis, I just took a look at it and it’s not that bad. I can take care of it as there really isn’t that much.” Obviously, when she called me earlier, she herself had not looked at the driveway and simply accepted her husbands rant about their supposedly snow-packed driveway.
Well, I was perturbed and politely said so before ending the call. Obviously, she got the message, because the next day she sent an email explaining the “confusion”, as she called it, and a few days later sent the Christmas card I received.
By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.