Wednesday, August 1, 2012


I remember as a child my Dad talking about his cousin, Alice, in Czechoslovakia.  and I also remember that Alice sent my sister and I a pair of Czechoslovakian dolls dressed in traditional costumes.  Sadly to say none of the family ever met Alice and there was very little communication with her either.

But in 1992 when my sister and my son took a trip to Europe and Israel, they stopped in Czechoslovakia and finally met Alice, her husband, and their son, Peter. Recently, my son’s wife told me that one of her co-workers was born in the same city as Alice.  And it then occurred to me that perhaps I could “connect” with Peter on Facebook.

My concern however, was that he might not speak English.  Fortunately, my grandson told me that I could write a message, then open “google translate” to have it translated to Czech.  “Wow,” I thought, “that’s great.”  And I also wondered, not for the first time, when did my children and grandchildren become so much smarter that I am?

So this morning, I found Peter on Facebook – at least I think it may be him – and sent a message asking if his Mother’s name is Alice.  Now I have to wait in eager anticipation for, I hope, his reply.

By Hannah a photo contest for cute or funny photos and photo captions.

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